(no subject)

Apr 23, 2005 02:25

After going through practically our whole DVD collection tonight with a collective 'meh', we somehow managed to swing a(nother) Lindsey Lohan double bill in the form of Mean Girls and Parent Trap. Both top class films, although for diplomatic reasons dave_chimaera had to officially state he didn't like either.

Balls to that anyway. Parent Trap is a rare film. A Disney remake that's brilliant and excellently excecuted.

Walkley is now a net exporter of mice to Hunter's Bar, after our home made humane trap struck again. Plans involving pulleys strings and a scythe to follow. My main worry is that the mice will suffer a heart attack of shame from being carried in a Jack Fulton bag to their rural freedom (In a nice aireted jam-jar before you scream brutality). In fact, today's mouse was loathe to leave the safety of the jar.

With all the squirrels that have appeared in today's sun, I'm not surprised. I counted five furtling around under a single tree in Endcliffe Park.

Spring is here.

And this marks my second inebriated post. *hugs the whole of LJ* y'know, you're alright.

In a break from form, I'm gonna try and post easy lyrics memery

01 Pick five songs that most people would know.
02 Select lyrics of up to but not surpassing 150 words from each one.
03 Go to Babelfish ( http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr )
04 Translate the lyrics from English to German to French to Portugeuse to English
05 Post the resultant gobbledigook and ask people to figure out what the songs are.

1) What would make, broke my heart in two? More as the words, it forms the feeling, this is my loves for vocês really.

2) A man can of the lies miles declares, asset to know my lesson. Hope I phases to explain this secret that I found ' until burning then for the interior of me.'

3) I am for my too much délicieusement, too much delicious shirt for my shirt. It wounds if délicieusement.

4) golden colored person. Constitution as the sun to have me for low. With my agreement, it runs. During the night necessity does not fight, a Stirnrunzeln, with golden colored person never.

5) A Corn Flakesmaedchen was never. It thought a good solution. Inclinations with the Rosinemaedchen.

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