This week in culcha.

Jun 11, 2007 16:23

The week has been a wonderful and heady blend of stress and relaxation, work and play and also contains pork products.

Work and Gym...

Although work is now officially in the seasonal busy period, the contrast with last year is stark and sane. Occasionally leaving at 8/9pm and some light weekend work is the limit, although this has stirred the scars from last year and the stress levels have shot up along with my daily calorie intake.

This is not terrible, as I'm back on the gym wagon after a week's lapse (while paying a flying visit to Sheffield) and the damage to stamina is minimal \o/

Sublime Giggage

On the happy-happy-joy-joy side, Tuesday was a exceptionally pleasant evening at The Big Secret gala fund-raiser show where there were many (eight?!) fine and quirky acts including Eliza Wren Payne (who sang about pirates) and Nerina Pallot (who sang about Hollywood bitches). There was also the obligatory jazz/nouveau cover of '1 Thing', which I <3'd, because I'm a sucker for apt covers.

Amnesty Internet Censorship Debate

Wednesday was a debate held by Amnesty and the Observer titled "Some People Thing the Internet is a Bad Thing" (Webcast, login required) which highlighted the various injustices done to bloggers and cyber-dissidents because they may disagree with their government, or in some way want it to change.

After a overview of 'Why the Interweb is Rilly Rilly Cool' by Martha Lane Fox (the internet is *all about* disruption of the incumbent order, dahling) there were various accounts of the forms censorship and persecution take and some worthy debate such as 'Is world media coverage backing the Chinese government into a corner by being almost entirely negative when they were moving in the right direction at least?'

Anyway, checkout the webcast if you care about these things. I'd especially recommend the section by Sheva Nerad of TOR. You can also briefly see the top of my heed in the Debate section (01:46:28) ;-)


F-Fwd to Saturday, which was a pleasant but low-energy day with
mathcathy . We had fine fine pork sammijez from Bodean's followed by 'The 39 Steps' at the Criterion, which is a four-man show based on the Hitchcock film with a very comic bent. Don't know if I'd particularly recommend it, but it certainly wasn't bad.

Sunday was lazing about then gym then lazing about and plenty of Shameless S1. Why must I always be late to these parties :-) Now I'm knackered. I hate muggy weather.
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