Venting and Life Update (even though I don't think anyone reads this...)

Jan 15, 2006 01:11

I recently decided that I am not a patient person. I hate waiting in line at the grocery store; slow or inattentive drivers at stop lights drive me CRAZY; waiting for books or movies to come out is torture; I don't like waiting for people to make decisions. I understand making decisions can be hard, but wtf? Given having all the appropriate information, is the final outcome going to change if you waffle? C'mon people, just suck it up and do whatever the hell you're going to do. Okay, my venting is over. And, no, I won't explain what brought this on.

Anyway, I figured it was time for another update in my life. Even though nothing earth-shaking has happened. See above for the patience. Anyway, med school is still great. This term we have 2 classes that I love (immunology and microbiology), so I occasionally look forward to class. Instead of looking forward just to seeing people, which I still do. I'm managing to keep a New Year's Resolution for once (to avoid eating processed foods), which is surprisingly hard to do but really good for you too. Thus, I'm cooking all the time, which is both fabulous and time-consuming. I also made a batch of fudge for a movie night, and it went over quite well.

The only stressful thing right now is that I have to do complicated tax things this year. The whole mortgage/interest deductions plus the stipend crap plus having worked a bit last year and had some money withheld makes taxes quite complicated to do. No 1040-EZ for me. For once, I think I'm going to have to take them somewhere since I'm just plain afraid of the IRS.

Life is good now. I'm sleeping again (insomnia sucks, but I think I'm over it). Classes are relatively fun (several of my professors are hilarious). Thus far, I'm having relatively good luck finding labs for rotations in the spring and summer. I'm developing good friends at school, and keeping a few of the old ones (not as many as I'd like, but that's to be expected). The cats make me happy to be in the house, and the condo is working out well. It's been a good year.
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