in the last month:
my youngest brother and his really sweet gal came to vancity for a visit
we did the stanley park bike ride
we drove to seattle and back in one day
ate A LOT of delicious fish and chips
i got sick of eating fish and chips
the cat pooped in the sandbox (and i have a pretty good idea which one)
we almost broke the dyson vacuuming out all the pooped on sand
my brother bought us some more sand
then he and his gal left for home
cousin shortee came for a whirlwind visit
we visited the olympic torch together
a homeless guy yelled at me for trying to offer him arrowroot cookies to quell his hunger (it was all i had to offer, having no change whatsoever)
then cousin shortee left for the calgary stampede
my dad came to vancouver for a business trip
he took every opportunity he could to see us, which was fab. it was a fabulous visit
my baby is growing growing growing. he has 7 teeth. he laughs with his belly. he pretends he's the irobot. he counts to three with me. his favourite works are "uh oh," "shoes," and "no." he gives the best kisses.
all the while, there's the massive housecleaning which happens 15 times a day when you're living with a toddler
there's the work i get paid to do on the weekdays
the 7 loads of laundry in queue weekly
the cooking that needs to happen as daily as i can manage (not to mention the stressing over the nutritional needs of a toddler)
there's been A LOT of knitting (show and tell anon)
and i really try to remember to savour every magic moment of peace. before the forces of change decide to kick my ass yet again.
the whirlwind just doesn't stop. chaos lives.
all is well.