May 31, 2003 02:22
goddamn i'm fuggin drunk
jesus christ
i shouldn't have had that lastr beer
oh weelllll......shit happens
i met,some cool new people at 1107 university rob&PT&tyler cool guys man, cool guys
shit im drunk damn
any ways tomorrow should be fun,...worj=k on some new songs for Love Lies Bleeding with Malia and Amanda
i saw Emmy tonight out at Nick's that party was alright, butr like 20 minuytes after we got ther some dumd overly drunk fuck did donutsin the neighbors yard so we had to leave, cool though, we ended up having more fun meeting the new people anyways,.; wow, no traditional typing style goin on here, just pecking sall over the boaRD HERE aww shit, i accidentally hit caps lck,
anynways, i think i should go to bed, although i feel as bit to drumnk to sleep, i might need to throw up, i domnt wamnt to , bnut i mightm mnedd to. anyways, GOOD LUCK TO THE FORECAST OBN TOURING@!~!!! HAVE A GGOOD TIME!!! IM SURE PEOPLE WIL.L LOVER YOUI . fuck, i serioiusly need to go to bed....iim just afraid to lie down, i think i might staret getting the spins; and ya know thsat those always suck uhwww
da,mn, i dont thbnnik ive ever done such a shitty job typing a posty. wel shit, i believe im off to bed kiddiesk,,,,, see ya
love ya all