Jan 04, 2005 23:10
Well, today was pretty dull. Went to school. Have homework. Have to do some retarted thing about reading poems and writing down the stuff that appeals to the senses. Sound fun, huh? Nothing really interesting happens to me in school anyway. I've missed EVERY SINGLE fight this year. Those are always fun to watch. Had a socce game today against Titusville. JV won 3-1 and I dunno about Varsity. I screwed over my ankle though. I hope I can still practice tomorrow and play in the game against Eau Gallie on Thursday.
At mutual tonight i was shooting hoops with my friend and we were trying to do Ally-oops (that might be spelt wrong) and his brother was getting in the way repeatedly. So I thought it would be kinda funny to hit him with the basketball instead of giving a good ally-oop ball. BIG MISTAKE! I was aiming for his stomach, but i ended up hitting him squarely in the side of the face, knocking his glasses off. That was one of those awkward moments where you just have to stand there and apologize over and over again and feel really stupid. Smoothe move Tyler!