you told me you loved me;

Jan 16, 2011 12:02

[ Player Name ] : Char
[ Personal LJ ] : Terrible
[ Age ] : 21
[ Timezone ] : CST
[ Other Characters ] :
Shibata Rihito | Mei-Chan No Shitsuji elder_shibata
Suto Hiroto | Engine Sentai Go-Onger breakgenkai

[ Character's Name ] : Kadoya Tsukasa
[ Character's Age ] : 20
[ Series ] : Kamen Rider Decade
[ Canon Point ] : (presumably) after Episode Yellow.

[ History ] :
Baby baby.

[ Personality ] : [spoilers for most of Decade :B … and other series too. just saying! ]
Ridiculously complicated and then sometimes not even so, Tsukasa’s ...interesting, to say the least. Initially, one would get the impression that he’s an irritating, cavalier sort of fellow, and well, that’d be correct, to a point. The man presses forward regardless of the situation, most cases seeming to have a certain ‘awesomer than thou’ attitude about it all. He seems cold when it comes to others, and like someone that would be terrribly ignorant about things (despite the fact that he’s very talented when it comes to everything). Of course, this is pretty much just the impression anyone gets from watching him for a little while. He’s uncaring, rude, and mostly kind of a bad person. Still!

There are redeeming factors underneath the surface, if frightfully few. The man’s still a Kamen Rider, after all. (Despite the fact that there have been quite a few evil Riders in the history of-- anyway) Tsukasa has motivations to do good, but he also has an overwhelming sense of pride and, contrastingly, a need to push others away from himself. He wants to be admired (from afar) and left alone. He goes along with his gut feeling most of the time, especially when it comes to impressions of a person’s own goodwill. He’s uncomfortable with the idea of others being too close to him for fear they’ll see the flaws beneath the surface, so he keeps up a plethora of faces to keep them away.

He still manages to get through to others once they see that the attitude is really just how he gets his feelings across, and he can’t express it through other means. He wants others to succeed on their own-- because they won’t understand if he directly tells them. Confident in his ability, Tsukasa does actually end up helping a lot of others; they just don’t really typically understand it as help until after everything’s already done. Of course, he himself is horrible at expressing his feelings that stretch towards his core. The rider likes appearing mysterious! Or something like that. His feelings will only be expressed directly if they really need to, otherwise one deals with whatever he decides to show.

Despite the fact that Tsukasa seems to act without a lot of thought in mind as to what he’s doing, the man is actually fairly deep in thought a lot of the time. There’s a certain separation from him and the worlds, though, in that he feels he can’t be involved in order to size up the situation correctly. He distances himself intentionally, despite the fact he is a very (in a roundabout fashion) kind and caring individual. When it comes to himself, though, he really doesn’t have much of an opinion. He’s confident in himself, but at the end of it, he also dislikes himself. He feels others would be better off without him, even if they depend on him. It’s not that he’s secretly “Oh god I’m a terrible person I should just die*”, but more that he’s upset about his past actions and is trying to make himself a better person.

This is despite the fact he thinks he’s pretty much better than everyone else around him anyway, but it’s not a bad thing! He wants to be better so they can depend on him and he doesn’t have to be dependent on anyone else. There’s part of him that’s afraid of the other parts of him, considering his varied past and the phases he’s gone through. He’s led an evil organization before, and his ultimate destiny is to, in the end, kill all the other riders that he’s spent so much time befriending. There’s a reason to distance yourself like that!

Of course it’s not all grimdark murderdeath -- that’s not how Kamen Rider works! Tsukasa’s not a very easily shaken man, but he does get flustered sometimes. Just rarely! He also has his moments of absolute, utter SHOUNEN DETERMINATION OF FRIENDSHIP (DAIKI WE ARE GOING TO HOLD HANDS LIKE MEN AND BE FRIENDS) and he’s also a well of trivia. Never tell him you have a question for him!

As far as his personal relationships with his closest friends, they’ll never really hear how much he cares about them, but he does. Tsukasa just tends to show it with backhanded compliments and friendly insults. If he cares enough about a person to make them stay around him-- then it’s pretty much golden. He also has his odd moments of respect for certain individuals if he can somehow vaguely identify with them, or, more honestly, if he can see one of his friends identifying with that person. IF THAT MAKES SENSE. He can’t understand other people, but using what little knowledge he has from others helps.

All in all, he’s not a terrible person. He’s just bad with other people, and horrible at photography. That’s all. He wants to find a home and somewhere he belongs-- and that’s most all his grand aspirations end up being. Going through an avalanche of identities and losing his memory tends to have that sort of effect on a person.

*Except one time he actually does get that low in opinion of himself, then Gackt comes and bitch-slaps it out of him. No more suicidal depression for this guy! Seriously, it’s Gackt. Er, Riderman. Yeah.

[ Strengths/Weaknesses ] :

❿ Good at everything but taking pictures. Seriously.
❿ Can cook on par with Tendou
❿ Plays Violin
❿ Climbs the corporate ladder quickly
❿ Is a defense attorney
❿ I can keep going.
❿ Quick-witted and savvy in a lot of things
❿ Well of random knowledge. Do you know the difference between Asian and African elephants?
❿ Is Kamen Rider Decade which pretty much means he’s hax at a lot of things and can get around most problems because he seriously has the powers of every main rider in Heisei era. We’ll wait to get news back on OOOs or W though. (Kiva, Den-O, Kabuto, Hibiki, Ryuuki, Blade, Faiz, Agito, Kuuga, though, all his.)
❿ Has a spirit guide -- Wataru of Kamen Rider Kiva. NO SERIOUSLY

➉ Is a horrible person
➉ Has the worst hair
➉ Horrible fashion sense
➉ Worst friend
➉ Impulsive and bossy
➉ Sometimes (rarely) suicidal
➉ Is destined to destroy all the worlds
➉ violently allergic to sea cucumbers. He will vomit. Forever.
➉ Hates carrots
➉ Horribly tsundere about his true feelings.

(why yes I did list ten of each why do you ask)

[ Other Important Facts ] :
Seriously he will puke a lot.
Used to worldhopping so Vatheon would not faze him... a lot.
Naps all the time.
Looks like a toaster when he’s transformed, pretty much. Better than a PS2.

[ Sample ] :
Wet again. Do I get a prize?

[there's a click of teeth as he slicks his hair back a little.]

At the very least, you could have kept the Studio around. Now I have to wait for someone to rebuild that.

Also, I'm really not entertained you broke most of my cards again. This world has some explaining to do.

[ Questions? Comments? Concerns? ] : Nope.

!important, !app

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