(no subject)

Mar 13, 2006 15:28

I wish I could end someones life without consequence or feelings of guilt.

The shitbag that almost hit me with a car? Explode their SUV in a fiery inferno of motor oil and gasoline, savoring the screams of the innocent children burning alive.

The broad at the cash register that gave me incorrect change? I'd love nothing more than to whip out a .22 and shoot her dead between the eyes, splattering the gooey gray brain matter all over the backside of whatever soon-to-be-departed bluehair behind her, and relish the screams of her now failing heart.

I am a basic and carnal animal taking savage delight in the misery of others. Imagine if you will, when some jerk cuts you off in traffic, causing you to slam on the breaks. In fear for your life, adrenaline pumping, don't with want nothing more to step out of the vehicle, grab the cellphone yakking cunt by the hair. Stomp her face into the pavement with a sadistic and malicious glee, until all that remains is something resembling cat-food that once conveyed electrical impulses and semi-cognizant thought processes?

Do you not want to exert your animalistic and savage impulses once more, to savor the primal and carnal glee or dominating your enemy, your opposition, your pseudo-antithesis to the extreme point that nothing remains but a corpse or corpses.

I have empathy, remorse, guilt, and happiness. But I view them as burdens, weights holding me down. I wish I could have joined the armed forces, simple for the ability to kill. To rend life, to brutalize that which the church so aptly calls "sacred". (never mind war in the name of god is perfectly acceptable and to all fucking hell with the 10 commandments). We can rape in the name of war, pillage, plunder, commit atrocities innumerable simple to spread the good Lord's name.

I mean for God motherfucking's sake, look what we did to the native americas. Fuck me, we stole their land, raped their women by the score, forced them on death marches so brutal that corporate america glosses over the face that we fed them small pox and lord knows what else. MANIFEST DESTINY you soulless unforgiving cunts. I wish we could go back and arm the natives with fucking cannons. Sink the Mayflower, The Nina, and The Santa Maria with 200 caliber missiles and let those buckle-wearing fucks sink into the deep not knowing the terrors they'd have visited to the well-meaning, and good natured Indians.

I wish I could develop a disease to entirely wipe out civilization in it's entirety. We have failed as a race, as an entire intelligentsia, as a theocracy, and as a whole. I'd wipe the earth clean of our malice and self-hatred. So we donated money to africa? Why, for the hopes of cheaper materials and labor. Can't have all the niggers dying from AIDS, who the fuck would we get the diamonds from? The magnesium, the rich coal deposits, the countless medicines from the jungle?

The rich milk the poor to death. DONATE MONEY TO SAVE THE NIGGER BABIES? Yeah, guess the fuck what? They don't see but a fraction of a cent of that 20 dollars you donate. Most of it goes to warlords.

Not to mention the genocides going on in whatever fucking pisshole of a nation those negroids call it these days. I'll dig up a link for you CC loving motherfuckers to show you exactly just what the fuck is going on in the "civilized world".



I'll edit this shit and give you graphic images of just how lucky we are to live in an over budget shithole we call the United States of America.
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