Busy Bee

Sep 12, 2006 16:00

I love being really busy and therefore not having the time to go and spend money. The downside is when I do have the free time, I end up just spending more, which then defeats the entire idea of thinking that I'm saving money. For example, I paid for getting my car fixed all at once this past Friday, $115. Thursday I'm going for more tattoos, which will be roughly $80. This coming Monday my cell phone bill is due, $98 (I'm a sucker for text messages and the person I text the most does not have Verizon, naturally.) I do feel I'm on the up-swing though in that original idea that I'm rather busy so I don't have the time to spend money. After this week, I'll be able to save up some for a few weeks. It'll work out, I'm not overly concerned.

Classes have been going surprisingly well. Usually by now, I hate everything but tis not the case this year. I attribute that to being home and being in a new school and working 30+ hours a week and so on. I'm in a good space, for the most part. I miss the Fredonia kids so much, but have no regrets what-so-ever about coming to Buff State. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"There's only so much you can learn in one place. The more that you wait, the more time that you waste."

... Now if only I can get fast internet at home, then things will be a whole hell of alot better. But for now, campus computer labs it is. It holds me over anyways.

I keep on seeing people on campus and at work that I (think) I recognize from somewhere but I can never place where I might know them from and it bothers the hell out of me. Maybe its just my head screwing with me and that I only recognize these people from campus or work, but I swear I know them from somewhere else. Not like know know them, just know of them I'll say.

I need some new threads. And I'm going to get those boots from Journeys this year, even if it kills me/puts me in debt.

Have you ever seen someone that just looked so miserable that you wanted to go over and give them a hug, with the intention that it'll make them feel better, even if just for a moment? I've been wanting to do that alot lately. I then sometimes wonder what I look like walking through campus or through a store or something. I wonder if I look just as they do. I have this set image of what I look like in my head, but in reality, I'm not sure what I look like exactly. Some days I look in the mirror and like what I see very much, other days its 'Yeh, you need to work on that G.' I wonder what others see when they see me. Its not that I care about what people think of me when they see me, but I just want to know what they see, asthetically, when they look at me. Maybe no one notices me at all and its just me that likes to look over every single person I see... Is that a normal thought?

I should get going or else I'm going to be tardy to my 4.30 class... Damn you lj for sucking me in and making me lose track of time... But I don't want to stop typing. I have alot of thoughts going through my head at the moment, perhaps that's why I have such a headache today. Ok, I'm seriously going now.

Oh, and Justin Timberlake's new album is the fuckin' shit. Buy it. You'll love it, I swear.

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