Mar 20, 2006 15:45
Our current project for Painting is to take an object that we find appealing (I chose a sunflower) and abstract it. Upon first reading this project I thought, 'Awesome! This should be fun and rather easy.' (Famous last words.) But as I've come to work on the project and debate what to do next and such, ABSTRACT PAINTING IS FUCKING HARD. Seriously, something like this shouldn't be this difficult. I've restarted this painting three times now and I'm about to restart again. Which I guess is the point of the project, but still. Holy shite load of paint use. I'm now thinking of using stripes and/or plaid with the colors of the sunflower and just fill up the canvas that way. We can try it and start over if need be. I do like how you can do that with paints. I heart painting. (Though its a pain in the ass sometimes.)
Suddenly, and I mean suddenly, became sick yesterday. I think it was more or less when I was leaving work. It just hit me out of no where. Sore throat, slight cough, feverish, achey. Had dinner at my grandparents before I came back which was delightful, but I was still feeling like absolute crap. I woke up in a rather gloomy mood yesterday and thought that I was just going into one of my moods, but it seems like it was foreshadowing of what I was to feel like by nightfall. The mood thing has hung around, but I can't completely rule out my current sicky nature as the reason behind it. Steph said she was in the same kind of mood too, so it may not be just me.
I have a desire to take lecture classes, though I know I'll hate it when I have to take them this fall. I'm really tired of studio classes. I feel like I'm broadening my skills, which is great, but at the same time I don't feel like I'm learning anything reallyreally vital. I mean, I'm learning, yes, but it seems that what I'm learning is more self-taught anyways. You try painting this way, then learn that you can get there more easily that way. That's something you can't be taught, you have to learn that shit on your own. I guess it comes down to my restless nature and being quite sick of school in general... again. It'll pass, hopefully. With Spring Break coming up, I should have some time to rejuvinate my energies and finish up this last month or so of school before its *Peace out Fredonia* and *Helllllooooo Buff State*. Holla.
I have a discoball hanging from the ceiling of my car now and it makes me happier than you know.
It could be your blood
Running through all my veins
That ties me to your fate
If I could just close my eyes
I'd black out all the reasons why
We're still in this place
What you want is what you got
You should have tried to make it stop
I guess you couldn't find a way to fit me in... *
* This song is about Lindsay's father. Once again I find comfort in knowing that someone else has gone through the same things I have (more or less).