Today I am grateful for:
That the driveway got cleared. I truly think that it would have been far too much for me to do with the snow blower. We got a friend of ours to clear it with the proper equipment.
I don't know why this simple act got so blown out of proportion when I talked to my husband about it last night. It felt so hard for me to ask for help, and he just couldn't understand why I didn't want to just use the snow blower. My thought, is why is it so bad once in a while just to pay someone to clear our driveway when it is that bad? It's not like my husband would want to do it either on his set of days off. So why was it even an issue? Getting our friend to do it was a good choice, he gets paid for his time, and I no one has to fight with the monster snow blower in too deep a snow layer for two hours.
It drained me to have to fight about something that should not have been a disagreement at all.
It was incredibly windy today, so I decided to stay home instead of go to pottery. High winds like this soon after snowing usually means the roads will have drifts across them, and winds that high can blow a little car right off the highway, so I though staying home made sense.
I had a proper phone conversation with my sister E. She finally seemed to have time to talk. Mostly we talked about the eventual dispersal of one's personal items, as she is dealing with her Mother in Law's things (she's in a care home now), and naturally thinking about her own stuff at some point. E only has one child, and he won't want anything.
It's true, very little of what we accumulate will hold much value to anyone else at some point. What cost us hundreds of dollars might sell somewhere for ten bucks. Our tech items are worthless a few years after we buy them. My CDs and DVDs are dinosaurs. My art books will be worth something, and I probably could sell those, same with some of my craft supplies. Furniture maybe not so much. Same with clothes. I feel pretty sad sometimes thinking that no one will want my couple of photo albums, or even my digital images.
I'm thinking my sister E needs to start thinking about moving in a few years. Like literally downsize now, and start looking for where they would like to live in the city near them. Figure out what neighborhood they want to live in, price ranges. There is always that awful thing of trying to buy one place and needing to sell the other first. Her husband, who is the one with diabetes, might need to be somewhere closer to the hospital before too long. She mentioned today how he is less and less able to help on the acreage, and how challenging tasks like getting in hay for the horses or keeping up with maintenance is for them.
I truly did not feel up to doing anything today. I napped, read, and wasted time mostly.
Today I learned about a phenomenon called "Phantom Kangaroo".
From Wikipedia: A phantom kangaroo is a report of kangaroos, wallabies, or their accompanying footprints in areas where there is no native population.[1] Some explanations put forth are escaped zoo or circus animals (as in the UK), or publicity stunts by local businesses using photographs from Australia. Others suggest outbreaks of such sightings are a form of mass hysteria.
In some cases, there are actual feral populations of animals similar to kangaroos (wallabies) that escaped from captivity. Apparently there are populations in France, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.