my first shaving cream slip n' slide

Jun 18, 2005 23:56

i kno i said id be updating more, but i havent exactly been home that here it is. (hopefully the pictures don't get messed up this time):

tuesday, june 14:  laid around most of the day, and just when i accept the fact that i pretty much won't be doing anything at all for the whole day i end up going to the movies with ally, erin, nicki, nan, and her sis steph. Monster-in-Law is such a great movie! it's hilarious...a serious must-see! erin al and i go to starbux (yes starbucks again) and i get a vanilla latte except there's really no detectable up with the others at oberweis, head home where my dad surprises me by saying al and erin can stay for a bit, so we play darts...can't believe i lost...foozball i win! and ps2 racing i win again!!! o and i rediscover that GTA San Andreas is an awesome game

wednesday, june 15: after piano at 3:30 i end up going to kristen's house, during her cheerleading practice i play GTA the whole time, go out for bacci's with her friends, then to JR's house for a sHaVinG cReaM sLip N' sLidE!!! it was ridiculously fun..until we had to be hosed down with freezing cold water and i had to change in front of ppl into guys clothing haha. still, jumpin on the trampoline, eatin watermelon (hehe), and just gettin all around KRAZY was a blast! *REDRUM!!!!!!!*

thursday, june 16: kristen and me almost walk 6.2 miles until i realize it was on a highway (frickin idiot!), so instead we walk about 1 and go to this mexican restaurant, her friends pick us up from there and we go to brandon's house (i think) and watch a bit of meet the fockers...then they torture me by taking me to the park and making me watch cheerleading stunts, we go to alyssa's and go swimmin where they make me do cheerleading stunts and making me realize how heavy i truly am haha, i dRiVe to walgreen's to stock up on candy (nice shades nerd), then back to kristens to call it a nite but then geimar jessie and derek surprise us by stopping by, and we all DDR like crazy before finally going to sleep =)

me n kristen chillin in the hammock...right after she flipped it!

 idk y it's so tiny, but this was at walgreens. whudda stud!

friday, june 17/saturday, june 18:  me and kristen went to cinemark to see the sisterhood of the traveling pants. im not gonna lie, i cried a bit...but most of the theater was cracking up^, including kristen! even tho she knos that movie will be ours forever and ever =) afterwards we go to coldstone creamery , the BEST ice cream eVeR!!! *i LOVE how we get the "hollers" in sweatpants, while the hoes get NADDA! haha* so we DDR awhile then play GTA then just before calling it a night, her friends stop by for a camp out...with no tent. after a campfire (kinda) we all six sleep outside, me n kristen on the end, the guys on the other side...and wake up 3 hours later freezing and smelly!!! we didnt realize that once the blankets got wet they would reek so bad =(  so we go inside and end up attempting DDR but finding out we're wayyy too tired, so we all settle down and watch beauty and the beast *it's EPIC hehe* they finally leave, then i finally go home only cuz kristen was goin to the sox game EWWW!!! on the way home we stop at walmart, i buy a father's day present, go home n fight with my mom for an hour, go to community to meet up with nicki ally and nan, go to friday's and eat mashed potatoes and cheesecake, back to nicki's and meet up wtih carolina, have ally drive me home.

awww...shes so WhiTe!!! hahahaha =)

sunday, june 19:  HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, DADDY!!!

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