Jun 06, 2005 20:34
OMG i cAn'T even believe this right now...this is not hApPeNinG...but it just did =( the day has finally arrived...my mother has just given me the SEX TALK. i thought we had already covered this years ago but apparantly not...i guess this wasn't actually THE sex talk but it was more like the birth control talk. yes believe it or not, my mother just discussed birth control pills with me. *GrOss!* the conversation actually kinda went like this... how was your day? fine. how was the movie (the longest yard)? hilarious. what did you guys do at his house? played pool and the piano. was that it? ...yes mother. are you sure? YES mother... breanna, your getting older now, and your going to have a lot more freedom...o no please stop right now...if you ever need anything, you kno im here...o god make her stop...now, im not a huge supporter of birth control pills...OMG MAKE HER STOP! ...but im not going to risk any chance of u getting preg-...AHHHH GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!! -tHe EnD!
GoD anSwerS aLL prayers...sOmeTimEs the anSweR is no..eSpeCiaLLy when ur pRaYing to be i-n-V-i-s-i-b-L-e...