hurt and stars

Aug 29, 2007 21:27

Today's beloved Queen,
bbmarcello, asked for hurt, comfort or stars.

I played with 2 out of 3.

Of Grief and Stars
Sayid centric, 100 words drabble, reference to Sayid/Shannon, rated G

He searched the sky until he found them. Seven stars.

The slow procession of the coffin and the children of al-Naash, assassinated by al-Jadi, the Pole Star.

Sayid stared for so long his eyes began to hurt from not blinking. It was good, hurting. It was feeling something. Because the rest of him was numb and cold.

Unexpectedly and in most incredible circumstances, Shannon had risen and they had shared something that finally warmed him, gave him hope. She was, he thought, the dawn of a new and better day.

She finally had been a shooting star, bright and ephemeral.

The End

Sorry Sayid!!! *points to Sue* she asked for PAIN!!!!  ;)

and seriously? I love the internet for research. The Legends of Ursa Major


lost fic: sayid, drabble, fic, lost

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