I love my Queen! may she forgive me.

Aug 25, 2007 19:47

Oh my God! I am sorry Queen
cmonkatiekatie, you deserve something way happier than this!!!   :(

but it's a drabble???

damn, you deserve so much better than this.

Sawyer drabble, 100 words, PG for violence

A minimum of once every 3 days. That's about 120 times a year. For over 25 years. That makes 3 000. He woke up in sweat a minimum of 3 000 times and at one point he craved it to keep his anger sharp.

Killing the bastard didn’t stop the nightmares: they just morphed.

The scene in the Black Rock plays on a loop, with no other sound but that... that despicable laugh. He feels the rage, he feels the chain, he feels him buck and then going limp.

Every second Sawyer's eyes are closed, he fears going to sleep.

The End.

lost fic: sawyer, drabble, fic, lost

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