Oh, look at that! this one got longer than I thought!

Aug 14, 2007 22:01

elise_509, my Queen, you know how I love you. I am sorry I'll leave you on your appetite *hangs head in shame*

The Lesson
Jack Shepard, Marc Silverman, Sam Winchester. Lost/SPN crossover, about 900 words long, rated G. pre-slash AU.
Authors note:  I altered timelines, so I moved the SPN universe about 15 years back in time. Sam and Jack are the same age. This is long and not betaed, so probably full of mistakes. My bad and mine alone.  I am sorry.

Jack puts his hands on his knees and just starts to laugh at poor Marc, now on all fours and cursing. Marc gives him a heated glare, gets his racket and stands up.

"Fuck, Jack, can't you just take it easy once in a while?"

Jack smiles widely.

"Hey, I didn't force you to desperately dive like you did! You could just let it be when it's too far."

Marc huffs and rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, and let you just humiliate me without opposition?"

A voice makes them both turn towards the door.

"You could give Marc a chance, you know."

Jack frowns, annoyed at that this boy he doesn't even know who dares to intrude in the little time he has with his best friend. Marc seems happy to see him though, and Jack can not help his gut reaction: hey, he's my friend. Go. Away. Pathetic, at 22 years old.

"Hey, Sam! How are you man!"

They shake hands and it is only when Marc gets close that Jack really notices how tall and powerfully built Sam is. He notes all kinds of other things at the same time too, mostly in the many ways he is handsome. Doesn't mean he has to like him.

"Fine, fine. As for you, I see you're getting your ass kicked!"

Marc starts laughing, all frustration gone. He never could hold a grudge, anyway. Marc gestures between the two of them

"I know, sorry you had to see that! Sam, this is my best friend Jack, he's here for the holidays. Sam is in some of my classes in pre-law."

"Nice to meet you, Jack."

Sam smiles and comes over to shake his hand, firm and steady. Jack smiles tightly back. The guy really has beautiful eyes, he thinks out of nowhere. Jack realizes he is expected to talk.

"Same here. You know, going easy on Marc will not make him any better."

Sam snorts a bit at that.

"Yeah, heard that one before."

Jack raises eyebrows and tilts his head, sizing Sam. But Marc is happily chatting away already.

"You know Jack, I've been showing Sam the racquetball basics and I've never seen someone learn so fast. Jack's a lot better than me, as you've seen. You two should totally try a set."

Sam steps back and holds up a hand looking rapidly between Marc and Jack, uneasy.

"Oh! No! It's okay, I just came to say hi! I didn't mean to intrude on your time with your friend Marc, we'll play another day."

Sam is obviously very perceptive and must have sensed Jack's hostility. Jack feels like a douche. He stops Sam, a hand on his forearm.

"Hey, wait. I'd love to give you a few pointers. And Marc could use a break."

He grins at Marc, who flips him.

"Har har. Fuck you. This is going to be interesting. Here Sam, take my racket."

Sam takes it with a laugh and gets in position as Marc exits the court.

Jack serves and they start to play. At first, since Marc said Sam is a newbie, Jack goes easy, but Sam whacks at the ball with force and precision. Jack adjusts his game and is surprised to see that Sam follows with ease. You would think that someone with limbs that long would have reach but no coordination, but Sam got both with speed to top it all. It's really impressive. After 10 minutes, the competitor in Jack takes control and he tries his best to win, especially because Marc is totally cheering for Sam. They are both covered in sweat and panting now, but neither of them wants to give an inch. On the next shift of serve, Jack asks

"How many times have you played before?"

Sam grins, pleased. He shouts at Marc.

"Hey Marc, it's my fourth time, right?"

Marc laughs.

"Yep! Told you he's a fast learner!"

Jack shakes his head in disbelief.

"Fourth time? Sheesh. You played tennis then."

Sam shrugs and brushes his longish locks now damp with sweat back, off his face.

"A bit, whenever the high schools had courts. Sometimes with my brother too. Not that much."

Jack can't help it, he's impressed if what Sam says is true. Marc sounds surprised.

"You have a brother?"

Sam turns to Marc to answer, uncomfortable

"Yeah... but we don't talk at the moment"

At the same time, not knowing Sam was going to turn, Jack throws him the ball. It happens very fast, but Jack thinks "shit, going to get him in the head" but no, Sam's hand shoots up and he catches it as if it's nothing. He smiles at Jack astonished expression.

"Almost got me there!"

"Sorry! I... I didn't mean..."

Sam laughs.

"Relax Jack, just teasing you. I know you didn't mean to hit me. It's just that I have a vast experience at dodging or catching random objects thrown at my head."

He winks and Jack rubs the back of his neck and giggles. Sam bites his lower lip, and he's looking at him so intently that Jack suddenly feels hot all over. Sam makes the ball bounce on the ground, twice, and then gives him a blatant once over before catching his eyes once more. His smile is definitely predatory.

"So, Jack, are you ready to play for real now?"

They are definitely not talking just about racquetball. Jack smiles, nods, takes a deep breath and braces himself for the ride.

The End. Or to be continued, maybe.


spn fic: sam, spn, fic, lost fic: jack, lost

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