A drabble for the Queen!

Aug 08, 2007 20:31

Oh, Dean Queen
alliecat8 ! how I love you so!

I'm doing my best to offer everyone a gift, and the muse gave me a drabble for your prompt. I really hope you like it, even if it is not much! being back at work really puts some damper of my creativity! You know it comes with all my love too, right?

Lucky Penny
100 word drabble featuring Jack, Sawyer too (of course!). rated G.

At first, Jack would do a double take, pick the coin between his fingers and look around. Perplexed, sceptic. But would put it in his pocket none the less.

Now, when if finds one, he ducks his head and smiles brightly, that smile that takes 10 years off him. He still takes the penny.

Money has no currency here, especially not old mismatched pennies put face up. But they have the power to make someone feel lucky, even for a minute or two.

Every night Sawyer thinks of where to hide the next. It's no fun if it's too easy.

The End

Note: okay, I'll be honest, this is an adaptation of a storyline I know. in a Québec movie from a couple of years back, "La grande séduction", a little fisherman village in the middle of nowhere does its best to convince a nice doctor to leave the big city and move to their little place (or the town will have to close, the industry moving because no more insurance). it's an awesome little movie, and one of the ways they try to woo the doc is by randomly leaving money on the deck or somewhere else so he finds it and feels like he's lucky. They also sent some pretty lady to seduce the good Doc, among other things. Your prompt made me think of that. and then how it was appropriate for Jack. And well I am trying to adapt the aquivalent of 22 movies in 4 fics at the moment. I may have been biased by how marvelous it is to adapt movie ideas in fic! lol!

drabble, fic, lost, lost fic: jack & sawyer

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