back at work! *sigh*

Aug 06, 2007 17:37

yep, vacations are over. Went back to work this morning *groan*

It was not so bad because the weather was shitty and my boss only comes back tomorrow, so I took it relatively easy! but I sort of got used to get up late, you know? :/

I will from now on probably be less active on the Luau front. I mean I'll try to do something for everyone I can, because every Queen more than deserves it, but I doubt I'll produce as many icons that I did in the last weeks.

isis2015  requested jealous!Sawyer... her usual as she says :)

I love jealous!sawyer myself, it never goes out of fashion, like a little black dress... hence those 3 icons...

and here is a blank one:

You want to customize your own icon with the little black dress? (toppy!sayid, hurt/comfort, whatever) be my guest or ask me, I'll do it! lol! if you take one, please credit and no hotlinking, for the love of God. thank you!

and I have a little something more... jealous!Sawyer, in a 100 words drabble, especially for you my Queen!

Jack/Sawyer, 100 words drabble, PG

All the air in Jack lungs escapes at once as he connects roughly with the wall. Sawyer is in his face, eyes blazing, brows furrowed. The word is growled more than anything, low and feral:


The kiss that follows is just as possessive, hard and demanding. Jack responds with enthusiasm, a chill working its way up his spine. As soon as Sawyer feels he's made his point, he grips Jack's chin, looks at him with eyes blown wide, and smirks. He then saunters back into the party, leaving Jack hard and breathless.

Jack seriously considers flirting with another barmaid.

The End.

icons, drabble, fic, lost, lost fic: sawyer/jack

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