it's Queen Susie's day!

Jul 26, 2007 20:03

Susie, my dear Susie!!! I am so happy to have gifts for you!!!

uhzoomzip is Queen today at
lostsquee, and I kneel respectfully before her!

I have a ficlet!!!

By the pound.
Sawyer ficlet, 330 words, gen.
For Queen Susie, on her day at
lostsquee. Unbetaed, so all mistakes are mine, I am sorry!

A loose spring scrapes his arm and blood immediately starts to drip. James curses, but Big Bob's watching from his rocking chair on the porch.

"C'mon kid... Two trucks to unload still!" He yells.

James wills the pain to subside, clenches his teeth and continues pushing and pulling while sweat rolls down his back and blood sneaks in his work gloves. Late September, he could be in school with the consanguine idiots living in this hellhole.

He finds it behind two old lawnmowers, under a pile of crap. It's clearly busted but the frame seems ok. Instead of throwing it on the junk pile with the rest, James hauls it off the truck to put it aside. Big Bob sees everything, of course.

"Whatcha find there, kid?"

"A dirt bike. I'll give ya its cost by the pound, no difference to you."

Big Bob squints and James heart beats faster. The old man grunts while he gets up with difficulty, then slowly walks over to inspect it, see if there's any way to make a quick buck with it. James wants to say please but wills himself not to. He raises his chin when Big Bob looks at him.

"It will need a whole lot of work."

James is almost afraid to breathe, he really wants that bike.

"I can do it."

Big Bob shakes his head as if it's a fool hope.

"Not on your work time, though."

James smiles wide at that, knowing he's got it. No need to take the goddamn bus like a loser every morning or hitchhiking rides with perverts whenever he wants to go somewhere.

"On my own time sir! You'll see." He winks. "I'll have her purr in less than a month."

Big Bob chuckles and claps James' shoulder.

"Hee. Guess she won't be the only one purring when you're done. I'll tell my friends to lock up their daughters."

James smiles get wider. That too. That too.

He's so going to get laid.

The end

PLUS!!! If you know Susie, you know her marvelous icons, they bring joy. We talked about angstmuffins once, I made her one. and a partymuffin. and several others (I'm very proud of my facepalming cauliflower!)

16 food icons under the cut!

















pics from stock.xchng

No need to take any, but if you do? It makes me very happy! Please credit.
Do not hotlink, it's evil.
Feedback and comments are love :)

icons, lost fic: sawyer, fic, lost

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