Happy birthday D!

Jun 27, 2007 14:26

Happy birthday
inthekeyofd !!! It seems the muse only wants to play if I ask for 100 words drabbles (and exactly it, or she stomps!). I sure hope that you’ll like this meager present! May your day be fun and bring you everything your heart desires! ♥

Title: Morning
Fandom: Lost, Jack/Sawyer, PG, 100 words
inthekeyofd on her birthday! non-betaed, all mistakes are mine. sorry!


Jack perilously tries to maintain the coffees he stacked upright, as he fights with the keys in the old lock. He grunts, the sound muffled by the bag containing generic bagels he holds between his teeth.

Jack realizes there is no hope of help from Sawyer when he sees him still dead to the world, spread eagle on the queen sized bed. The rough white cotton sheet is slung down low and showing a tantalizing hipbone.

The ceiling fan turns slowly, moving around air still smelling like sweat and sex.

Jack stares, forgetting for a minute that they are fugitives.

Could be continued. Maybe.   mmm.

Note: the prompt was "Sawyer and Jack... White sheets with them only up to Sawyer's waist or hipbones... and a ceiling fan..one that goes around slowly."

mmm. I feel like I am cheating again with the fact that everything was in the prompt! Forgive me hun?

drabble, birthday, fic, lost, lost fic: sawyer/jack

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