It's Angela's birthday! yay!!

May 24, 2007 14:44

You are such an awesome person, my darling, I adore you!!! you are lovely and lively!!!   *smooch*

Title: Seriously? I have nothing. Name that fic and get a cookie! Lol!
Warning: Supernatural. Sam/Dean. Spoilers for Season 2 finale and yes, going the Wincesty way.
Rating: R for lots of swearing (Dean, please, bad language) but no sexing, sorry.
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spn, birthday, fic, spn fic: sam/dean

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Comments 16

ellel May 24 2007, 20:11:05 UTC
Yay,Wincest and a little angsty and hot and I just loved it!
And man,flirting Sammy and jealous Dean owns me !!!

It just... fit. It was them.Sam and Dean,just a bit further.And Dean realized he was perfectly fine with that, if it kept Sam smiling so brightly.
Beautiful ending!!!


gottalovev May 26 2007, 17:13:07 UTC
I usually read Sammy jealous of Dean's slutty ways, but jealous!dean really gets to me too! glad you liked it!

thank you about the ending, I was not sure it worked...



gregoria44 May 24 2007, 21:00:28 UTC
HOT with a capital everything.

I feel a changing-room kink coming on...

More boys who can't resist each other please!


gottalovev May 26 2007, 17:13:52 UTC
LOL! yeah, maybe I'll be able to porn them soon! so happy you liked it! thank you!


arabella_hope May 24 2007, 21:52:24 UTC
LOU! They fit better than ANY shirt (striiiiped, lol).

I looove this so so much: The terror Dean has at wanting something he shouldn't. You conveyed that SO DAMN WELL along with his exahstion and how tired he is of struggling. Plus, New clothes! yay.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I am soooo happy to have you in my life and soooo thrilled that you wrote this! <3333


gottalovev May 26 2007, 17:15:36 UTC
the stiped shirt was just for you babe! lol!

thank you, you make me blush. I am so, so, so happy you liked this!!! I am thrilled!!! *muah*

it took your birthday, but I am pretty sure I'll write them again! :)


(The comment has been removed)

gottalovev May 26 2007, 17:16:17 UTC
thank you!!! I love possessive!dean, what can I say! his sammy!! glad you like it!! :)


keyweegirlie May 25 2007, 05:26:21 UTC

You wrote wincest and it was awesome! *giggles*

I've you could tell, I really sorta liked this. But I do have one quick little question....can I be that sales clerk? 'Cause you know she's gonna have to go and interrupt them so she can close the store. ;)



gottalovev May 26 2007, 17:19:05 UTC
I did write wincest! wow! how weird! lol! never say never, I guess! ;)

I am so happy you liked it hun, and yes, you can be the sales clerk! lol! (as you were obviously groping Sammy already!)

yeah, someone will have to crash that party at one point, might as well be you! *smooch*


keyweegirlie May 26 2007, 19:09:54 UTC
(as you were obviously groping Sammy already!)

I kinda like that visual....thanks!

I demand a SEQUEL!!! or you know maybe badass!Sam..



gottalovev May 28 2007, 15:00:36 UTC
I maybe have 200 words to go and I am finished. please tell boss to leave me alone!!!

I really am looking forward to know how you'll like it!


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