Lost review: 3.23? -finale- "through the looking glass"

May 23, 2007 22:57

so that not a flashback, but more as a flash in the future? My god, that is... I cannot wrap my mind around it at all. Who was in the coffin, then? No family, no friend... pretty sad! And who Kate went back to? they all want us to think Sawyer I suppose, but who knows. And that was a dark!Jack alright... poor baby. the beard kept distracting me! Worst flashback hair ever, as far as I am concerned. But something just doesn't add up. Why does Jack tell the doctor "go get my father and if I am drunker than him, fire me?"

the hell? Christian seemed pretty dead the last time I saw him. Island must really really love him.

oh, I am so so so relieved that Hurley saved the day and Jin, Bernard and Sayid are ok. Hurley rocks hard. and Sayid snapping that guy's neck with his legs? yowza. I mean... am I supposed to find that insanely hot?

And I did cry for Charlie. noooo! I loved him lately, and he was fabulously snarkly today. How awesome? he was a real hero. I was worried for Desmond and I am so happy he is ok though. He's not out of the looking glass yet, but he'll be ok. Right?

Oh and Mikhail? damn, that guy IS Raspoutine!  Never, ever leave him for dead.

Those chicks were crazy.

I really thought our 3 wonderful shooters had been killed. I really felt bad. And Jack went all "I'm going to kill you all" on them and.. hi crazy face!!! he sure does it well.

Did the "I love you" do something for someone? Jaters? please tell me. felt kinda flat to me. I like that he kissed Juliet though. and the little exchange between Juliet and Sawyer about jumping Jack?  \o/  all noticed he smiled and didn't deny, right? of course! lol!

oh, yes, Locke. Of course he didn't die! but Walt? (another reason to take out the "bzuh" icon). So glad he didn't shoot Jack.

I absolutely adore Danielle. great casting with Alex. Hope to see more of those 2. Ben is totally losing it, he doesn't have any power left I think, except over Mikhail. Still love him, though.

Now rescue ship that is the bad guys, not Penny's gang? oh my god. I am afraid of that plot line like you have no idea.

And that leaves me with my baby. Oh, Sawyer.  :(   guess we are heading towards dark!Sawyer now. damnit. that was cold blooded. I don't like that new development.

all in all... I did like it... but 8 months? really? DAMN!!!!

lost review: s3

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