Happy birthday Marti!!! :D

Apr 21, 2007 12:29

I've been lucky to meet awesome persons in this little corner of LJ, and
astra2104 is certainly one of them.

Marti, sweetie, you are a total delight to know, always supportive and cheerful. You have a big heart and I consider myself privileged to know you (and once in a while meet you for lovely chats!). I love you very much. I've got a little something for you, I hope you like it! *hugs and kisses*

Title: Afternoon Delight
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer, AU or post-island but no spoilers what so ever
Length: Around 2 500 words of shameless PWP (that is the summary too!)
A/N: A big thank you and sloppy kisses to the fabulous
keyweegirlie for the beta :)

Afternoon delight

Something was going on.

Sawyer hadn't said anything, but he was grinning and obviously plotting something. It made Jack very, very nervous.

Judging from the depth of the dimples and the twinkle in his eyes, Sawyer was really enthusiastic about whatever it was he was planning. Jack had no idea what it was, but he knew that it had to involve him too. That was the scary part.

The worse was the wait. Jack was absolutely convinced that Sawyer knew that his attitude had him on edge and that the psychological game was part of his fun.

After one too many sideways glance by the pool, Jack exploded and shouted with exasperation

"What is it?"

Sawyer's eyebrows raised and he gave this maddening little victorious smile, which did little for Jack's nerves.

"You're so lucky to have me Doc."

And the fucker got up and put his t-shirt and sneakers on.

Jack scowled, but bit his cheek not to ask what was going on, knowing he was expected to. Sawyer sauntered towards his lounge chair, and ignoring Jack's hostile body signals, he straddled his tights. He didn't say anything, he just cupped Jack's cheeks with his hands and leaned in for a kiss. Sawyer caressed Jack's lower lip softly with his tongue and just like that, Jack opened for him, unable to deny himself of the pleasure of being kissed like it was the most important thing that had ever been done. He angled his head and let Sawyer kiss him dizzy, his hands going by instinct to Sawyer's hips, trying to pull him closer. Sawyer broke the kiss, and smiled again as he detailed Jack flushed cheeks and widening pupils.

"Keep that thought, baby, I'll be right back."

Sawyer got up and grabbed his car keys and his wallet from the table where he had dropped them earlier, confirming he was leaving Jack hanging. Jack almost whined.

"You'll be the death of me."

"Nah, but it is fun trying."

He winked. The bastard winked.


Jack woke up, confused to see blue fabric so close to his face for a moment, eyelids and limbs heavy. He had not meant to fall asleep, especially not in direct sun with his t-shirt on his face, he just wanted to try to get a bit of a tan. Napping was never a good idea as he'd have lots of trouble going to sleep at night after a dozing in the afternoon. Sleeping was enough of a problem without adding that. Sweat sneaked into his eyes and Jack realized he was dripping with it. He sighed and wiped his face with the t-shirt, only to see Sawyer was back to being shirtless and reading in his chair like he never left it.


Sawyer smiled as he looked at him over his glasses.

"Hey yourself!"

"Where you going to watch me get sunburned?"

Sawyer rolled his eyes.

"Of course not. You're not even pink yet."

Jack tried to sit, but a bit too fast, and black spots appeared before his eyes. He let himself fall back with a humph. He really hated naps.

"You okay?"

Sawyer had his brows furrowed in worry.

"Yeah." Jack frowned in return. "And where exactly did you go like that?"

Sawyer grinned.

"Went to fetch a couple of things."

There it was again, the twinkle in Sawyer's eyes. Jack squinted.

"Like what, exactly?"

Sawyer motioned to the bags on the table, while trying miserably for innocent.

"Ice cream and stuff."

It was the "and stuff" that was suspicious. Jack got up without problems this time and went to peek in the bag. There was indeed ice cream and chocolate sauce.

"You left it in the sun?"

Sawyer got up at his turn, and just shrugged his shoulders

"Not important."

He then started spreading their beach towels on the grass. Jack had long giving up trying to understand the man.

"It's ice cream, Sawyer. It goes in the freezer."

Jack said, looking in the other bag. That one held women scarves. More suspicious. Jack got them out, the silk soft and almost liquid in his hands. Sawyer's voice just behind him made him jump in surprise.

"Nice huh?"

There is only one thing Jack could think of, and it was that Sawyer was planning to tie him up, or maybe if he was lucky, it would be the other way around. Why else would he have bought silk scarves for? Even in the heat, a shiver ran down his spine. He had no objection at all, even if they had never played games like that before. He tried to mask his eagerness and his rapidly accelerating heart with a smirk.

"Lovely. A gift for someone we know?"

Sawyer laughed softly, not fooled for one second. He smelled arousal like a hound. Sawyer picked the ice cream container and chocolate sauce, brushing purposefully against Jack, and headed for the beach towels.

"Nah. Care for some ice cream?"

He sat down and leaned on his elbows, expectantly. It was a nice idea indeed, so Jack started towards the house.

"Okay. I'll get bowls."


Jack turned, stopped in his tracks. Sawyer was smiling like the cat that ate the canary again.

"You're my bowl. C'mere."

Jack's mouth opened, as new images rushed to him.


Sawyer's grin widened.

"Yeah. C'mon, I'm hungry. And bring those."

He pointed to the table with his chin, clearly indicating the scarves.

Jack blinked.

"Oh, okay."

He grabbed the scarves and went to sit on the ground with Sawyer, cross legged.

"Wanna try something Doc?"

Considering that even if nerve wrecking, Sawyer's surprises generally ended up being great, Jack nodded.


Sawyer took one of the scarves and smiled reassuringly.

"Turn around a sec."

There it was. So he was going to have his hands tied up. Jack turned, putting his wrists together. To his surprise, Sawyer chuckled.

"You kinky son of a bitch."

Jack felt Sawyer's chest against his back as Sawyer leaned to his hear to whisper huskily.

"No Doc, you'll need your hands for this. I'm book marking the idea, though."

A scarf covered Jack eyes, blinding him, as Sawyer tied it securely behind Jack's head. Jack felt a little disappointed, mostly because looking at Sawyer was probably one of his favorite things to do. And maybe because yes, he had sort of a bondage kink suddenly.

"That's not fair."

Sawyer laughed.

"You're going to love it, trust me."

"But I want to see you."

"Here, let's level the playing field. Turn around and help me now."

Jack turned, and Sawyer took his hands and held them up, before Jack sensed him shifting. Sawyer's hands were back in his, this time with silk too.

"Tie it up."

Oh, so they were both going to be blindfolded. He made a knot and a second one so the silk held together, careful not to mix stands of Sawyer's hair with it. Sawyer's head escaped his grip as soon as he was done. Seconds later, Jack was manhandled to lie down.

"Ok, come here, that's good."

Jack felt Sawyer straddle his thighs, and hands roamed his chest for a second. Then nothing, apart from sensing Sawyer move, until Jack felt his fingers softly touching his face, finding his mouth, before they were replaced with Sawyer's soft lips. The kiss was soft but thorough, rapidly escalating into more, as Jack angled his head and gripped Sawyer's. Sudden coldness on his neck made Jack jump in surprise and Sawyer snorted in amusement before his mouth left Jack's and went to lick his neck, hot tongue swiping away the ice cream. He was back in a second, to share the vanilla flavor with Jack who groaned in approval.

When Sawyer spread some more of the ice cream on Jack's chest, making sure to cover his nipples, it was less of a shock but still made him shiver, and not entirely from the cold. Sawyer left Jack's mouth with a final nip at his lower lip, saying:

"Now if you'll excuse me, my ice cream is melting."

Jack giggled as Sawyer started lapping at his chest with application, using his vast knowledge of what Jack loved to make desire and want reach new levels. Being blind heightened the experience and every hot sweep seemed to more arousing, especially when Sawyer proceeded to lavish Jack's nipples with attention. Jack felt a tug on his swim trunks, so he raised his hips up to help Sawyer strip them off, freeing his raging hard on. He heard the pop of Sawyer's short snap button, the unmistakable sound of his zipper being pulled down and the rusting of fabric as Sawyer got rid of the unwanted garment. Sawyer nudged Jack's legs apart and settled down between them this time, his fingertips feather like on his thighs, hip and then erection, making Jack arch into the touch.

"God, yes Sawyer, please."

"I can imagine your beautiful cock Jack, dark pink and perfect, waiting to be taken." Sawyer said. "Want me to take you into my mouth baby?"

Just thinking about it made Jack moan loudly, desperate.

"Yes, yes. Come on."

Instead of the hotness he anticipated, there was ice cold on his dick, making Jack cry out in surprise. He had totally forgotten the damn ice cream, but trust Sawyer not to. The sensation was pleasurable though, and when Sawyer fingers straightened him up, his mouth felt blazing hot as he took him in. Jack cursed, his hands gripping Sawyer's head and it took everything in him not to start fucking his mouth hard.

"Oh god yes. Fuck."

The excitement rose way to fast for his liking, and if Sawyer didn't stop making those moans of contentment soon, he was going to come any second. Jack slid his hands on Sawyer shoulders and urged him to come back up.

"Come here, come here Sawyer, I want to kiss you right now."

Sawyer made a soft sound of regret around his cock that shot right to Jack's core, but did as he was said, crawling slowly up Jack's body with open mouth kisses, stretching on top of him before claiming his mouth. He tasted of ice cream with a little salty tang that was obviously Jack's pre-come. Jack moaned softly.


"Mmmm indeed Doc. You're delicious."

Jack smiled and rolled to pin Sawyer down, rearranging their legs and grinding down hard with his hips, erections colliding with delightful results. Jack groped to his left, but instead of finding the ice cream, he found the chocolate sauce bottle. Jack smiled, and sat up straddling Sawyer for his turn. He tried to squirt some chocolate on his fingers, but had to fight with the bottle, as the chocolate wouldn't come out. After a second, he remembered the safety seal and untwisted the cap and used his teeth to remove the aluminum foil. Sawyer was starting to wiggle below him.

"What the fuck are you waiting for Doc? I'm dying here."

"Tsk tsk tsk. Wait. Being blind slows things up, man. Was your idea, by the way."

Re-twisting the cap on, Jack finally squeezed the bottle to a result, chocolate now warmed by the sun coating his fingers. He tried to find Sawyer's mouth but ended up on his chin, making him able to course correct and smear some chocolate on Sawyer's soft lower lip. An agile tongue soon found it and started twirling around his digits, ticking and swiping in a most erotic fashion. A soft growl came from Sawyer, and he sucked Jack's index in his mouth, caressing and pulling on it just as he had done with Jack's cock a minute ago. It made Jack's dick twitch in response.

Jack poured some more chocolate randomly on Sawyer's throat and chest, and proceeded to lick it away immediately, the sweetness coating his tongue. It smelled awesome too, mixed with Sawyer's unmistakable scent, and when he reached his navel and below the muskiness of arousal and chocolate made his head turn. He didn't tease, in a hurry to taste Sawyer and feel his cock full and hard on his tongue, and took him down in one swift move, hearing Sawyer cry out in pleasure. Jack didn't feel like he was missing out on not seeing what was going on anymore, his other senses compensating more than enough. He knew Sawyer so well anyway, he could picture his face as he made those almost mewling sounds that were the sure sign he was close to losing it. Still sucking on Sawyer eagerly, Jack groped on the beach towel until he found the opened ice cream container. He let Sawyer slip from his lips and scooped a handful of the half melted substance before moving to sit on Sawyer's lap once more.

"You are delicious too, you know."

Sawyer laughed.

"Well thank you."

Jack grinned and took Sawyer's erection with his hand full of ice cream, making him yelp in surprise and sit straight up, his forehead missing Jack's nose just barely.

"Holy shit!"

Jack laughed, proud of himself.

"Weird, huh?"

But at the same time, he scooted closer to Sawyer's groin so he could take himself in hand at the same time, the soft coldness of the ice cream and the hard hotness of Sawyer's cock a weird mixture of sensations.

"Weird maybe, great for sure." Sawyer panted. "Damn. Move Jack, please. I'm so close."

Jack found Sawyer's neck and started sucking on his pulse point as he stroked them both, the ice cream making a decent lubricant and helping his hand to slide fast and easy, the both of them gasping.


Sawyer ordered, and Jack complied, pumping vigorously as Sawyer's finger dipped into Jack's shoulders as if he was hanging for his life. Behind his closed eyelids, Jack could see blotch of color appearing more and more brightly, heat pooling down in his balls as he felt it build to the edge.

"Fuck, Jack, so good. I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come."

Sawyer's voice was raspy and breathless, accent thicker as it always was in those moments. Jack felt Sawyer shudder violently and he lost it himself, orgasm hitting hard and long as he bit down hard on Sawyer's neck, everything wiped from consciousness for a moment.

His hand slowed down as he coaxed everything out of them both, the two of them heaving in sync. Jack found Sawyer's mouth and they shared a sloppy satisfied kiss as Jack pushed Sawyer back down on his back, following heavily.

Jack tried to scoot to the side but it was made difficult by the sticky mess they were now. Sawyer removed both their blindfolds and Jack squinted in the sudden brightness.

"That was awesome."

Jack admitted, stretching contentedly. Sawyer eyes twinkled and the dimples almost blinded Jack.

"Always is. But right now we have to go take a shower."

Jack groaned, since he had no intention to move for a couple of minutes.

"What the hell for? Why right now?"

To Jack astonishment, Sawyer slithered from under him and really stood up, looking down at him with a crooked smile.

"Because we are going to shop for a 4 poster bed. I want it tonight, whatever the cost. Coming?"

For the second time this afternoon Jack's mouth formed a perfectly shaped "O" and he eagerly took the extended hand.

The End.

birthday, fic, lost, lost fic: sawyer/jack

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