fire drabble

Apr 07, 2007 00:37

And what do we have here? My GOD! I did it. Like fast!!! LOL! I hope you like it, and I'll start reading the others, now.     =)

Damn, I feel productive. This is great. *dances*

100 word Drabble for
lostsquee on the prompt "fire"

Purity, purpose, power.

It breathes and has a life of its own. The analogy is old and used, but it is true: fire dances on the preys it claims. You've always been fascinated by it, ever since childhood.

Matches, lighters, candles and then wildfire. You always knew its power and how it would be your way to reach purity, purpose, power.

All you ever asked was control. On your own destiny.

Fire is your friend and doesn't reach you even when you are wrong.

It wipes off threats.

It warms your back when you see a spark of hope die in his eyes.


A/N: I am sorry, it is late and this is beta-free... please tell me if I need to fix something.

lost fic: locke, drabble, fic, lost

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