Flist, Lost fandom in general.... I love you!!!!
c'mere!!! GROUP HUG!!!!
I was tagged by
emiliglia Writer's Meme: Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fics favorite you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.
I don't have that many fics and every single one is special to me. Either what it became or the person I wrote it to. I realize that a lot of my fics are b-day presents! Lol! I may perform only under pressure.. But here are my 5 personal favorites.
Up and Away My baseball AU, and I'll go with the last chapter that I finished last weekend because I've loved weaving the Winchesters in that universe (although not knowing them will do no harm). It's so much fun to write!
It ain’t easy being green My first try at crack!fic and God, it was a joy to write! Lol! We follow Smokey the monster and Jack is turned into a frog. Among other things. It may be sad that I made myself laugh while doing it, but it just poured out of me and I loved it so.
On being bored. My first little fic in the SPN fandom, and really the only one for now. It's short and general (non wincesty) but I was happy just trying them out. I have a lot of fun writing Dean.
Torture. The kinkiest thing I ever wrote, without contest. Slight BDSM, yessir. The first slash I ever wrote too. And to boot? It’s RPS ladies. Josh/Viggo. Muhahaha!!!
Hard to shake My first real Lost fic, and it’s Libby interacting with Ana Lucia. I feel so bad because it was for
psych_30 and since she died... *looks at shoes* I sort of didn't write her again. I'm so shameful. I should just give it a go and try some more.
I don't know who has been tagged or not, but it's really interesting to see, so DO EEET!!!