You might have heard of a drive for charity in relation to the political climate called Fandom Trumps Hate (FTH) that was deployed a couple of months ago? I think it was a very nice success, so go Fandom!
In the Steve/Tony fandom, a lot of people realized that they missed the deadline to submit something for FTH, and one thing led to the other and the Steve/Tony fandom put together it's own charity drive. The response has been amazing! there are
98 creators and 123 auctions going up TONIGHT!
Fanfic, art, cosplay props, beta services. It's really awesome. And by some of the greatest authors and artists in the fandom too! It's very exciting *gets ready to throw money all over the place*
I signed up before, you know, shit hit the fan, as it's a nice opportunity to do something I love for a good cause.
Here is my page, if you are in the mood for a little Steve/Tony by me ;) (it doesn't have to be romance, even though it's what I generally write!).
Bidding starts tonight the 21st at midnight, and goes until the 27th.
EDIT: the
bidding website just went live and it's AMAZING, wow!
I'm nervous, considering the caliber of authors over there. Let's just say my ego doesn't need another blow! lol! But anyway it goes, it's for a good cause. =D okay so I got bid on in the first half hour so I am going to be with a smile ;)
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