Now for the fandom edition

Feb 11, 2017 21:22

Where am I, fandom wise?

Let's see… This fall the show Pitch was fabulous ♥. I also really loved Luke Cage, and I am curious about Iron Fist even though I know nothing about the character in the comics. (but since I love the Netflix-based Marvel Universe, I am there). I've really enjoyed Vikings this season, if only to marvel at how insanely amazing the actor playing Ivar is. Jesus. (What Ivar the character choses to be is another thing). I'm watching Taboo for Tom Hardy, and more than half way in I'm not even sure if I enjoy the series or not. He's pretty, though and that James Delaney doesn't like pants is a bonus.

Still following MacGyver, Supernatural and H50 even if I am not too sure why, and watching Teen Wolf was like pulling teeth 90% of the time. Seriously. I despair that there is another partial season to go, it's that bad. Why can't I quit? Well I did quit 5 shows last year, so it can be done. Way way way behind on AoS and not really motivated to catch up (and now a snow storm has blocked my satellite signal for this week's episode so I had to find a download, in case I do catch up).

My main fandom squeeze is Marvel these days. Spideytorch here and there, because I love those dorks, but Steve/Tony have commandeered my attention again and I'm totally at the completely immerse 'think about them all the time' and 'every song is for them' stage, which I love. I've written so many words for those two in the last year or so, it's crazy. In fact, I barely posted a fifth of what I wrote, save from the challenge commitments I signed up for. I have probably a hundred thousand words of almost finished stories that are waiting for me to get disciplined and edit.

I'll make another post with the Holiday Exchange gifts I wrote this year (I did 3. She had awesome prompts, okay? I could not resist). I'm working on a sequel of one of those, even. And now I've done some fanart for the Reverse Big Bang and I went "You know what? That is not so bad!" at myself, so victory! I hope it's inspiring when the time comes for authors to pick art. I'm curious to see what will be available to write for too, though I might have trouble claiming what I'd want due to schedule conflicts (depending on the hour the claiming start!)

My main fandom interactions lately have been on Imzy, through the Steve/Tony community (apart from watching the pretty on Tumblr). Imzy doesn’t seem to be active much SAVE from that community. But them? There is something happening every day: reccs twice a week including Sinful Saturday, inspiration posts, general discussion every Sunday, a fandom auction to come because lots of us missed the Love Trumps Hate charity drive… so yeah. I am not VERY active there because it's hard to do so everywhere, but it's nice to have a place like that with people who love my guys. So it's been good :)

in fact, I've got to go because I'm with a ton of the imzy folks in the middle of a movie marathon: we started with Iron Man 1 at 5pm, just finished IM2, in 5 minutes it's Captain America TFA, then Avengers... tomorrow we're doing IM3, CA:TWC, Age of Ultron, CA: CW. Watching those movies with dedicated Tony and Steve fangirls/fanboys? is AMAZING, the chat is hilarious. :)

Where are YOU guys these days? What makes you happy?

This entry was originally posted here on DW, where it has
comments. Comment here or there

pitch, h50, writing, imzy, aos, marvel, vikings, spn, luke cage, fandom is awesome, taboo

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