fic: "We're skintight", Spider-Man+F4, Peter/Johnny, NC-17

Nov 06, 2016 17:14

So, this is the first of the three bigbangs I'll post this month!

This particular story was written for marvel-bang, that was as always smoothly ran by its lovely mods ! ♥ Always a very fun challenge :)

Title:We're skintight
Characters/Pairings: Peter Parker/Johnny Storm
Fandom/Universe: Fantastic Four and Spider-Man
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~13 700 words
Warnings: no heavy warning, but the story infers that the ‘bad guy’ is megalomaniac and possessive/jealous

When Johnny realizes that his new friend Tal maybe doesn’t have all his marbles and might be dangerous, he asks for Peter’s help to get out of trouble. The problem is that Spider-Man is now in danger too, and they need to go into hiding. Johnny can do undercover, just watch him.

Fanworker name: dreammaidenn
Rating of fanwork: Gen
Link to accompanying fanwork master post: here

To beta this story I had the generous help by the Queen of Spideytorch, the amazing Traincat, and a 9th inning save by the one and only jaydblu. I am extremely grateful to both!

It was also a chance to be gifted some beautiful art by dreammaidenn again! We had a bigbang together this summer too, for Teen Wolf. It seems we run in the same fannish circles and she likes my summaries! Lol! Thanks for everything, C ♥

This entry was originally posted here on DW, where it has
comments. Comment here or there

spideytorch, fic, spider-man and f4 fic: peter/johnny, marvel_bang

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