she lives!

Jun 07, 2016 22:39

Hey lovelies! Not dead, just busy :)

Let's try a list format:
  • work is insane, but my bill of law was proposed so we'll see how that goes (that means it will be crazy for the forceable future, that is what it means. *sigh*)
  • weather is WEIRD, and too cold, but hey, it's not winter anymore so win
  • i'm all over the place writing wise, I'd need a story to focus on but I write bingo fills that are just okayish and linger in the WIP folder
  • been busy with volunteering lately. it's fun but cuts on the time off
  • i am tired
  • i've been putting on glittery nail polish lately and I like it. I've never been a nail polish person, ever.
  • suddenly, I'm following a gazillion WIP on AO3, this was a very bad decision
  • i can't manage my tumblr for shit
  • i just booked tickets for 3 WEEKS IN HAWAII THIS SUMMER \o/
  • a week each for Maui - Big Island - O'ahu (suggestions of things to do more than welcome!)
  • (now I need to find places to stay that won't ruin me)
I hope you are well :) This entry was originally posted here on DW, where it has
comments. Comment here or there

hawaii 2k16, writing, real life

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