Lost, the return!!!

Feb 07, 2007 13:58

hey gals!!! Happy lost day to everyone!!

Well I say that, but it's not 100% sure I will see the new Lost today myself: they moved it past my bedtime, damnit! Going to bed at 11PM would be OK with me, but not with the husband and let's say that even Lost is not worth arguments.

I was crossing my fingers for the Canadian feed to be earlier than the US feed as it was before... but no, they put it at 10PM too. So I will DVR it and listen to it on Thursday nights, probably right before Supernatural (OMG GLEE OVERLOAD!). What makes me sad is that I'll have to avoid all thing LJ on Thursdays until I see it in fear of spoilers, so I'll be so out of the loop :(  and always behind :(

I didn't sleep all night yesterday, my youngest was coughing non-stop. He had a fever this morning so we did the lovely "clinic-other clinic for X-Rays- home until doc gets the results - clinic to get the script - pharmacy" routine. blah. Pneumonia. Double blah. I'm trying to get him to take a nap now.

The upside? I sort of think I'll be able to go through the 30 or so entries that I bookmarked during Lost Riffs. Maybe. I may or may not comment on everything!

♥ everyone!

lost, real life

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