I'm going to try something...

Aug 28, 2013 21:48

the comments to this post will be screened. I will answer if there are replies, but then re-screen.

Why the weirdness? Because I want to ask for something(s) (again) and I don't want for people to feel obligated or coerced by their amazingness because I don't seem to have offers. There are so many fantastic people on my flist. My logic in screening is that I'd like to avoid anyone going "oh, well, no one commented yet, I'll do it!". Just if you want ok?

Important: if I get no comment, it's FINE because I have other options. I swear to god. *crosses my heart*

Because I am greedy, I have four wishes:

One. In Pacific Rim, the big beasts/monsters called the kaijus have names (Slattern, Otachi, Mutavore, Scunner, Trespasser, Raiju, Leatherback, Knifehead, Karloff, etc). Let me link you to the Pacific Rim Wiki for visual and even more beasts. For my fic, I need about 11 names. Oh, my god, Help? Any ideas? I'd really appreciate it. Please...

Two. The fic in question needs a beta (or two). Someone familiar with the sources - Avengers and Pacific Rim - would be cool, but I'm more worried about the spelling/grammar/English side of things.

It's a 15K fic of the Avengers characters in the Pacific Rim universe (a fusion), Tony POV, Steve/Tony, NC-17. Under the cut are the details, aka my summary for artists. The timeline at
marvel_bang gives potential beta readers several weeks to work on the fic, though the faster it's done, the better it is for the artist - hopefully it gets picked. Thanks for considering it!
 Word Count: 15 214
Completed Percentage: 100 %, will now be sent to beta
Title: Bid my blood to run
Genre: Action/adventure, romance.
Fandom/Universe: MCU characters in the Pacific Rim universe (fusion, not crossover)
Characters/Pairings: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pepper Potts, James Rhodey Rhodes, Jane Foster, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury (as main characters, the rest of the Avengers are in support). There is an implied Tony/OFC hook up at the start, off screen, no cheating. Also implied are past Tony/Pepper and past Tony/Loki.
Warnings:(non con, mpreg, etc) Some characters -Tony, Steve - suffer from Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to losses (and almost losses) in the war against the kaijus. Some scenes deal with episodes or traumatic events, but the descriptions are not gory. The fic is PG for violence throughout (lots of battles), but the epilogue is NC-17 for explicit sexual content.
Summary:(no more than three paragraphs)

Tony is in charge of the Science Division of the California Shatterdome, where they design, build and repair the best Jeagers in the world. He used to pilot with his father as a teen, but when Howard was killed he swore he'd never drift with another person again. But Tony wants back in the actual fights, and for that he designed Iron Man, a man-sized armor that he'll control while drifting with JARVIS, his AI. The problem is that humans and machines are not meant to be drift compatible: will it prove to be too dangerous?

The fic, among other things, contains: men who are oblivious to the fact that the object of their affections loves them back, Bucky being torn out of a Jeager and Steve diving after him, Pepper and Rhodey as a new team that kicks asses and takes names, Tony endangering his health to pilot Iron Man, Jane winning at science, an unlikely friendship, Tony and Steve having to team up in the drift, and, of course, saving the world. Huge ugly alien monster and giant robots are included.

Please read the warnings, the fic contains PTSD episodes. As a FYI, the Jeager teams = Steve&Bucky, Pepper&Rhodey, Clint&Natasha and Thor&Loki.

Three. I'll need another beta (or the same one! lol!), but for a short Teen Wolf fic. It's due on Sept. 8th and I started it today. I guesstimate the fic will be finished tomorrow, at maybe 3K. Sterek, 5 years post 3a finale, chance meeting in Hawaii. knowing me, NC-17

Four. Looking for an artist to try a "Track 2" Teen Wolf bigbang with me.

Not happy of having written one bigbang in a week, I am eyeing
teenwolf_bb . It's been ongoing for months, but the author sign-up closes this Sunday. Then I'd have until the 16th of September for a 15K rough draft, OR, and that's where it could be different and interesting, I could co-sign with an artist to do a "Track 2", where the art/fic would be due in November (see the FAQ).

It has to be noted that I have my idea for the fic: it's a post S3a fic, Derek POV road trip, slow build Sterek (text, email, phone) so something that has been done 100 times since the finale. I don't really give a damn, I think I have a nice angle. ;)

If an artist friend of mine is interested to collaborate with me from the start for this Teen Wolf bigbang, comment on this post. If not, I'll do track one and go through the regular channel to find an artist (and that's fine). If, somehow, there is more than one person interested, I'll either: a) ask the mod if a collective is acceptable, and if not b) ask someone to use a randomizer for me to pick the person

So those are my 4 wishes. Kaiju names, betas for 2 fics and an artist. As I said, if I get no comment, it's FINE because I have other options.
Thank you so much!

PS got an incredible ego boost today, I feel real good. I hope everyone does too! This entry was originally posted here on DW, where it has
comments. Comment here or there

pacific rim, avengers, teenwolf_bb, writing, marvel_bang

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