Fic: "It's 3am, I must be lonely", H50, Steve/Danny, PG-13

Jan 24, 2012 19:28

I am so, so very sorry that the last ficlets I owe for the Holiday Extravaganza are late. *sheepish* (I've got a bad case of selective writer's block and general apathy)

But today I had to get one out, because not only it's a month late, but it's for the absolutely wonderful iam_space on top. And IT'S HER BIRTHDAY ♥ Space, I am so, so grateful to have ( Read more... )

h50 fic: steve/danny, holiday extravaganza, fic, h50

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Comments 19

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gottalovev January 26 2012, 14:57:01 UTC
awww yay! I am SOOO happy you like it! it was my absolute pleasure because you are one amazing person, it's the least I could do. *much love*

lol! it does call for a sequel, huh? I'll try, after everything I owe!


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gottalovev January 26 2012, 15:52:25 UTC
now if I could just finish those last 4 ficlets, argh! lol! I've been incredibly lazy/unmotivated, nice comments like yours really help


somehowunbroken January 25 2012, 00:58:13 UTC


gottalovev January 26 2012, 14:57:50 UTC

yay! happy it made you smile! thank you!


law_of_tarts January 25 2012, 01:36:56 UTC
Hahaha! Of course, Danny is a drunk dialer! Of this I am certain.


gottalovev January 26 2012, 14:58:25 UTC
he totally would be, huh? lol! I'm glad you liked it, thank you!


tailoredshirt January 25 2012, 02:38:19 UTC
This made me grin like an idiot! I love Danny revealing stuff while he's drunk that he might not have while sober. And Steeeeve. ♥


gottalovev January 26 2012, 14:59:31 UTC
yay, I am so glad you enjoyed it, thank you! I can totally imagine that a drunk Danny would talk even MORE than usual. =D


elise_509 January 25 2012, 04:11:23 UTC
So much love for this, hon!!! :) Any chance you'd want to write a sequel? I kinda want to see what happens when Steve arrives and Danny's sober. ;)


gottalovev January 26 2012, 15:05:36 UTC
thank you love! I am really happy you liked it! I am intrigued by what could come next myself, I might have to do that after I'm done with everything I owe ;)


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