Fic: "Take it easy", H50, Steve/Danny, R

Jan 01, 2012 21:18

This ficlet is for one of the most generous girl I know, who's always there for me whenever I need her. I love you jaydblu :) I hope you like it (even if late!)

Title: Take it easy
Fandom: H5O
Rating/Word count: R, 866 words
For jaydblu, who requested H50, Steve/Danny, 'why does it have to be like this'

Take it easy )

h50 fic: steve/danny, holiday extravaganza, fic, h50

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Comments 8

haldoor January 2 2012, 05:08:12 UTC
OH GOD. I'll be in my bunk. I absolutely love the hotness of this combined with Steve's complete devotion to getting Danny just where he wants him: in his bed and in his heart. Perfection. ♥


gottalovev January 3 2012, 02:14:49 UTC
oh, yay! I am thrilled the emotional part and the physical part both worked for you ♥ That Steve wants Danny "in his bed and in his heart" sums it up so beautifully! thank you! =D


jaydblu January 2 2012, 06:13:09 UTC
Oh thank you honey, this is fabulous! And late, schmate, I don't care.

I love the intimacy in this, and how beautifully you convey Steve's feelings about his man. And the touching, feeling, groping they got into? Hot stuff. *sigh*


gottalovev January 3 2012, 02:16:38 UTC
excellent, I am so glad you like it love! and I knew you would not hold the lateness against me, you are a darling like that ;)

I was really trying to push the intimacy angle, so I am particularly thrilled you liked that (and the touching ;) )

again: thank you for always being there for me. you are awesome!


siluria January 2 2012, 13:14:16 UTC
I'll just be over there dribbling...


gottalovev January 3 2012, 02:17:26 UTC
And I'll be over there, making victory arms! \o/

thank you bb!


finduilas_clln January 2 2012, 21:18:36 UTC


gottalovev January 3 2012, 02:18:34 UTC


glad you enjoyed!


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