Fic: "Catch me if you can", LOST/SPN, Miles/Bela, G

Dec 26, 2011 23:21

I cannot believe I had never thought about cop!Miles/Bela! Thanks for the awesome prompt joyyjpg :)
I hope you like it (even if late!)

Title: Catch me if you can
Fandom: LOST/SPN crossover
Rating/Word count: G, 973 words
For joyyjpg, who requested LOST/SPN, Bela/Miles, sideways!verse (or just an AU with cop!Miles) catch me if you can

There's something missing from their Intel and it drives Miles nuts. No one can disappear like that, without a trace. Especially not someone like...

“Whassup?” Jim asks, jerking Miles out of his bubble. “Did you find the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything?"

“No, that would be easy,” Miles says, leaning back on his chair and throwing his pen on the top of his desk. It would roll and fall to the floor if Jim didn’t stop it and throw the pen back at him. “I just don’t understand how she did it.”

Jim smirks. “Ha, I see.”

“You see nothing at all,” Miles protests, kicking his partner's shin.

“I see that you’re still obsessing over that girl from the museum heist,” Jim says, insufferable.

“Not at all. I am doing my job trying to catch a thief, I’m not obsessing on anyone,” Miles lies through his teeth.

“You keep telling yourself that, Champ. If I was you, I’d ask if someone’s been to consult the museum’s archives. And the museum’s security had no visible holes, so either she’s in with someone who works there or at the alarm company itself, I'd do background checks there.”

All logical steps that Miles has on his to do list, but Jim has the uncanny ability to always zoom on the detail that makes the difference, even if that changes case by case.

"It's a good thing you are on the good side of the law," Miles tells him

Jim grins. "I would have made an awesome con artist."

"Speaking of," Miles says, checking his watch. "Aren't you supposed to go meet vice? The quicker you're done over there, the faster you can come back to work with me on this."

"Aye aye," Jim says, getting up. "I'd check the alarm company first, ask if they have other clients with stuff that could be interesting for collectors."


It's been months of near misses and cheeky notes left on crime scenes, and Miles is going out of his mind. Apart from her name - Bela, which is fitting because she's the most beautiful woman he's ever seen - Miles only has a list of charges that could put her away for a long time. He knows nothing of her past, of what she likes except taunting him, and Miles dreams that she's slipping through his fingers most nights. He's starting to feel a little too much like Will E. Coyote.

That's probably why he's now frozen stupid at having cornered Bela in a storage room, with no mean of escape while he's blocking the only door. She turns to him, cheeks a little red from running through the gallery, and Miles can see how frustrated she is of having made a false move that got her stuck.

"Easy now," Miles says slowly, keeping his gun trained on her. "Put your hands where I can see them."

"I'm unarmed," Bela says, her perfectly manicured nails catching the light as she lifts her arms in a placating gesture. "No need for so much posturing, Officer Straume. You know I'm not dangerous."

Miles laughs. "Yeah, sure." She's one of the most dangerous women he's ever met. "And it's Miles."

She grins, then, and Miles cannot help the way his heart lurches.

"You know I would never hurt you, Miles," she says, advancing towards him. Miles should tell her to stay put, but he doesn't. "I like you, I like you a lot," Bela adds and Miles lets his gun drop to his side. This shouldn't make him feel warm and fuzzy; he's supposed to be stronger than this.

"Why are you doing this?" Miles asks. "You're brilliant, obviously educated... you don't want to end up in prison."

It doesn't escape Miles that he just talked about prison as if it's not a done deal, as if Bela still has a chance. He can't even bear to think of her stuck in a cage. Her smile turns more genuine, even a little fond.

"I'm afraid I'm just not a good person most days, not like you," Bela says and Miles can read people pretty well and she looks convinced of that. "Would you believe me if I said I'll behave if you let me go?"

"No," Miles answers, because he's not stupid.

"Look, I won't lie: sometimes I do this for fun, others for money. But this time it's important," she says. "I don't expect you to understand or to even believe me, but people are dying because of this."

She nods to the bag she has slung over her shoulder and Miles can see the old noose she stole from the display two rooms over. It was used in a macabre montage on pirates and the justice system way back; frankly Miles won't cry that she messed with it.

"I think you've got that backwards," he says. "This was used to kill back in the days. Now it's just an old piece of rope."

He has enough restraint not to reach and touch Bela, as much as he wants to, but Miles brushes the tip of his fingers to the noose and he's whammied by an overwhelming feeling of darkness and anger. He recoils as if he's been burned, hissing. He blinks, willing the sensation away, and when he meets Bela eyes again she's frowning at him thoughtfully.

"Maybe you'd believe me, after all," she says.

It's the shock of an unexpected brush with the supernatural that make Miles freeze when she slips by him, not at all because she kisses him lightly on the cheek as she does so.

"I'll see you soon," she promises and Miles watches her go. When he comes out of his daze, all that's left of Bela is a whiff of her perfume and a tingling sensation on his cheek.

lost fic: miles/bela, spn, holiday extravaganza, crossover, fic, lost

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