what? no TVD reactions on my flist?

Sep 15, 2011 22:42


for people getting notif and no cut: this is full of spoilers for 3.01

God. I had missed them so much! ♥

This is not a coherent review, I just wanted to say that:

I love love love Caroline and Tyler, and Tyler was adorable in his sort of pining but 'I'm gonna try to move on even if I clearly want you' attitude, and their 'I'm horny all the time' routine and jealousy had me grinning, and ripper!stefan shouldn't be so hot, and I sort of for a minute shipped pining!Alaric/Elena, and Jeremy is DEFINITELY growing up fine, and creepy ghosts are awesome, and what the fuck is up with Damon and Alaric's hair, I do not like when it gets too long! and awww, Rick, you should have stayed, you are awesome even if you ARE the chaperon from Hell, and I like you especially when you team up with your boyfriend Damon, and btw Damon your eyebrows continue to fascinate me to the point I have to rewind to find out what you said, and damnit, I had grown to really love Andy, and Klaus may be over the top but I do find him really attractive, and I don't quite care about a hybrid army but whatever, and I can't help but adore Elena/Stefan, and I love this show because so much shit happens but OMG OMG MAMA!LOCKWOOD, BACK OFF, BACK OFF NOW BECAUSE CAROLINE IS MY FAVORITE AND SHE BETTER BE OKAY.

okay. I feel better now that this is off my chest :)

tvd episode review, tvd

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