Oh, great. >:[

May 20, 2011 20:38

I love baseball, you guys know that, right?

But DAMN. The Supernatural finale is not airing for me right now because of a Chicago/Boston game.


*lets son play PS3 on TV instead*

By the way he's eating 3 toasts with Nutella when we ate supper not even 2 hours ago. He eats ALL THE TIME. Yes, he's growing, but come on. Not one little bit of fat on the boy, and he eats something like 3 times what his father does in a day. He's not even 13 yet. I have a feeling I'm heading for bankruptcy.

So... what do I have to say other than that?

Ha, yes, I saw a guy in a kilt and construction boots the other day. Made me smile. Not even a boy hanging out downtown - that we see from time to time - but near my bus stop and he must have been in his 30s, going to work. I liked.

I sent in my sgareversebang, YAY! rinkafic was a DARLING and did a wonderful and real fast beta job, thanks! Now I'm gonna go edit that H50 fic and bug the lovely jaydblu. HA. See how I take advantage of everyone? You guys are awesome.

I'm outlining my atlantisbigbang right now... the minimum is 40 000 words and it needs to be done by the end of July, so I better get going. But between you and me? Holy cow, this fic is shaping up to be a very big excuse to cram as much porn in it as possible. Het, 3some, slash... everything goes. In my incomplete outline (half done? or maybe 2/3 in?), have *counts* 8 sex scenes. *facepalms*

But before I get on that one, I have another 10K fic to do for charity. No, I did not forget, I am just slow! *sheepish*

With all of that... well I wonder if I'll take part in mcshep_match this year. I had a blast last year and adore the story I did for it still (and I got a new comment on it just today, after all this time, that's always awesome! it's probably one of my most read stories, definitely the one with the most comments). But this year it's McKay vs Sheppard and I am weary of how that could turn out. Should I?

to do, writing, real life

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