why? whyyyyyy?

Apr 08, 2011 21:31

Why do I keep reading bad fic? it's like a train wreck :/

This week was good, even if busy. The upside of that much work is that the days/weeks fly by!

It's still cold outside, but in the afternoon when the sun comes out, it smells like spring and the birds are back. Also the ice mostly went away on the St-Laurent, so that's always a relief.

Another good thing was the return of TVD but mostly of Rodney McKay on my TV, even just for an episode. Oh, Rodney, never change ♥. Funny how I'm finally getting into SGU and the show is cancelled. Oh well. Looking forward to Monday, too, and isn't that something I never thought I'd say! lol! ♥ H50 ♥

What else? Oh, yes. Writing is happening, 6K this week which is way not enough for my deadlines but at least something! *rolls sleeves*

(OMG, there's so much yelling going on right now, husband playing with my oldest at NCAA Football on PS3, geez! lol!)

sgu, writing, sga, real life, tvd

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