Fic: "Disaster movies had it all wrong", Lost/SPN, Miles, Bela, PG

Feb 02, 2011 11:50

Title: Disaster movies had it all wrong
Characters: Miles Straume (Lost), Bela Talbot (Supernatural)
Word count/Rating: 1045 words, Rated PG for theme and language
Warning: One of the character is already dead. Though we're talking Lost and Supernatural, here, so it's pretty par for the course.
Summary: Basically? The apocalypse sucks.
A/N: For joyyjpg who asked for angst, apocalypse, immortality and road trips in the 5 acts meme. This is a month overdue... ooops! Sorry!

The disaster movies mostly had it all wrong: it's relatively easy to find a car and drive around or to find food and shelter after the apocalypse. The other upside is that there are no zombies or feral animals. No animals at all, in fact.

The big bummer is that Miles has not seen another living human being, either, since it happened a week ago.

Basically? The apocalypse sucks.


Ironically, it's the silence that had woken Miles That Day. He'd tossed and turned, feeling in his gut that something was wrong, before he realized that he could not hear the highway next to his crappy apartment. There were no muffled curses or screaming pipe sounds coming from the neighbors, either. If it hadn't been for the pounding of his own blood in his ears, Miles would have thought he'd gone completely deaf.

When he'd gotten up and walked out, everyone had vanished without a trace.


To be honest, Miles believed at first that it was a particularly vivid nightmare; he had some experience with those, after all. He'd strolled around, wondering what his subconscious wanted to tell him beside the obvious (yes, yes, he was living an empty life, he got it, thanks). After the initial worry, Miles thought that he was taking this weird dream relatively well, if he said so himself.

Shops were closed and locked, the cars in their parking spots, the TVs and radios had only the pre-programmed stuff on and Miles tried to call 911 but no one picked up.


The second day was the worst because Miles couldn't deny that shit was real anymore. That's when panic hit and Miles ran out, frantic. He only stopped and sagged with relief when he finally heard voices.

Not long after that he started laughing hysterically: he was standing next to a cemetery.


The only people he could hear were ghosts, and it seemed that he had graduated to almost see them, too, as faint silhouettes in his peripheral vision.

"What the fuck is going on?" he tried to ask them, but they ignored him as if he was invisible too.


The fifth day, Miles seriously considered eating a bullet. He'd managed to pick his way into a grocery store, but he realized that produce and meat would be a problem soon. Power was holding on, but that too would fail with no one to regulate things. And there was the fact that he was all alone, and would probably end up crazy before long, too. He was already running a commentary of his every thoughts out loud - particularly on how absolutely terrible his life was - just to break the silence.

Because that wasn't enough, he now had a shadow, too. It had started several hours earlier and finally, exasperated, Miles threw his hands up in the air.

"If you're going to stalk me, you could at least make conversation!" he shouted in the general direction he thought the ghost was.

"What would be the use of that, if you can't hear me?" was the answer, a woman's voice with a sexy English accent.

A ghost addressing you should not be such a relief, but they lived in special times after all.

"That's just it: I can hear you," Miles said.


"Really. You wouldn't happen to know why everyone vanished, would you?" Miles asked.

"I do, in fact," the woman said. "It's the Apocalypse."

Miles rolled his eyes.

"That's so helpful. Thank you. Why wasn't I apocalypted like the rest of humanity?"

"Probably because you're special, sweetheart," the ghost said, clearly laughing at him and Miles sighed deeply. Of course he had to fall on a smartass ghost. Of course.


Her name was Bela and she could follow him because her remains weren't around.

"Where did you die, then? When?" Miles asked. Yes, he was desperate for conversation.

"By your time? Three years ago, in Erie Pennsylvania. You are not asking how? That's the most interesting part."

How could he refuse?

"I'll bite. How?"

"I got torn to shreds by hellhounds, since my ten year deal with a demon was up," Bela said, definitely up to something. Testing his credulity, maybe. Or she wanted to shock him, see if he'd want her gone.

"Okaayy." Miles managed to drag the word for a good three seconds. He didn't care all that much, to be honest.

Bela laughed.

"You should see your face. I'm just glad I clawed my way out of the Pit when the bosses downstairs were too busy with the Apocalypse actually happening to check the exits. They are still fighting it out with the angels, and they'll never notice I'm gone."

She obviously believed her crazy stories, that's for sure.

"And you plan on following me around?"

"You are the best entertainment in town, love. Oh. Right. You are the only entertainment in town," she teased.

Miles could have argued that she was, too, but he didn't because he wanted her to stick around.


"What now?" Miles asked after a couple of days. He was getting antsy.

"My bet is that the angels and demons are battling for occupation. If the angels win, they'll restore it all. If the demons do, everything left will be toasted."

"Wow. Go angels," he muttered. Though frankly... getting toasted sounded almost better than doing nothing.

"A road trip. I've always wanted to do that," Bela declared.

Miles opened his mouth to protest but... it was actually a pretty good idea so he closed it again and got up from Bruce Willis' couch.



He let Bela choose the car, and she predictably went with a convertible, cherry red and with excessive horse power. He headed it east, curious to see how Vegas fared as a ghost town (his money was on creepy).

Miles had Googled Bela, and if her story checked out it was a damn shame that she was just a glimpse in the shotgun seat throwing sarcastic one liners at him because damn. Smoking hot. Plus she was smart and funny, even if a little mean.

It sucked balls that he'd met his dream girl when she was already dead and he was the last man on Earth. But at least Miles wasn't alone, not really, and it was good enough for now.

The End

fic, lost, spn fic: bela, lost fic: miles/bela, spn, crossover, 5acts, lost fic: miles

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