fic: "The Greatest Compliment", SGA, John/Evan, NC-17

Jan 15, 2011 02:41

Title: The Greatest Compliment
Character/Pairing: Evan Lorne/John Sheppard
Word count/Rating: 1350 words, Rated NC-17
Warning: this fic contains D/s
Summary: God forbid John would make things easy and ask for what he needs.
A/N: For somehowunbroken who asked for dirty talk and rough sex in the 5 acts meme. This is long enough that it SHOULD have been betaed, but it was not. Sorry for any and all errors (I don't mind being told about them!)

Evan is finally - thank god - closing the inventory spreadsheet when Sheppard walks into his office. Evan grins up at him but there's no answering smile, not even a smirk. In fact, the colonel looks pissed.

"I want Morse out of here. Yesterday."

Oh, right. AR-5 messed up on YME-445 and the team's been throwing blame at each other since. It looks like the individual debriefs made Sheppard angry enough to have Lieutenant Morse shipped back to Earth. The thing is that Sheppard can sometimes overreact, especially when it's with a newcomer: Morse hasn't even been in Atlantis for 3 months.

"I know that what they did was..." he tries.

"I said I want him OUT," Sheppard shouts. He's vibrating with tension and visibly won't take no for an answer.

"I'll do the paperwork tomorrow," Evan agrees with a terse nod.

"No, you are going to do them now, Major," John says, almost sweetly.

There's absolutely no need to fill the forms at 2030. The Daedalus is departing four days from now, and they both know it. This means Sheppard is trying to pick a fight. Evan hates when his CO gets in asshole mode. But it's been a long day for everyone in a very bad week, but also a catastrophic month where allies were wiped out by the Wraith and it tends to make their fearless leader absolutely hell to live with.

Evan clenches his teeth and resists very hard the need to tell Sheppard and his issues to go fuck themselves, until he pauses and thinks that it's most probably exactly what Sheppard wants. What he needs once in a blue moon but that he will never ever ask for, not directly. God forbid he'd make things easy.

"Yes, Sir," Evan says, the perfect little soldier and it makes Sheppard tense even more, as it doesn't give him anything to push against.

He starts clicking on his keyboard and Sheppard hovers in the doorway, fuming, until Evan looks up and catches his eyes.

"I'll bring those at your quarters at 2200."

Sheppard goes very still.

"Is that what you want?" Evan asks.

A nod and it's like a ton is lifted from Sheppard's shoulders as he sags against the door frame, looking relieved and back to a semblance of his usual slouch.

"Be ready," Evan adds, starting on the form. When he looks up, Sheppard is gone.


He waits until 2220, and Sheppard's door opens even before he rings the chime. It's dark inside and after Evan walks in, the door shuts closed behind him followed by three clicks that seal it. With a thought, Evan thinks the lights on to full brightness and isn't surprised that Sheppard - John - is kneeling stark naked in the middle of the room. The sight, as always, slams arousal into him as he circles John, who keeps his eyes down.

"Why do you insist on making everything so difficult?" Evan asks.

He didn't give him permission to speak, so John just shrugs, a hint of defiance in the pose.

"If you want to get fucked, you ask to get fucked. As simple as that."

John shakes his head no, which makes Evan sigh. He'd give him everything, if John would just accept it. But John doesn't want a relationship or tenderness, at least not with or from him, he just needs to give up control once in a while when it gets too much. Approaching his commanding officer, Evan resists the impulse to card his fingers through John's hair and takes an handful to pull roughly at it instead, making him look up. John's eyes are glazed over already, pupils blown.

"What do you want, John? Speak up."

"Fuck me. Please," John whispers.

He's sliding his hands up Evan's thighs, eager, and who could resist this? A better man than him, for sure.

"Get on the bed," Evan orders.

John scrambles up, unable to hide the wince when his knees give him grief. Evan follows more slowly, getting rid of his clothes along the way until he climbs behind John on the bed, who puts a condom on the mattress before resuming his position on hands and knees.

"You just can't wait to be filled by my cock. Is that it, John?" Evan asks as he rolls the rubber on, turned on by this way more than he's comfortable with.

"Please, come on," John whines, widening his knees and putting his head down on his forearms. It makes Evan's throat go dry, enough that he can't speak anymore and he just lines up and shoves in.

John's tight, way too tight and it must hurt because he cries out, though he rears back and welcomes it; John obviously didn't stretch or lubed. Evan stills, angry and frustrated. He doesn't want to hurt him!

"What is this? I told you to get ready!" he snarls.

"I'm sorry, I just need..." John says, still trying to push himself back on Evan's dick.

Instead, Evan pulls completely out and ignores the pitiful sounds John makes.

"I'm leaving."

"No, no, please!" John says, urgent, reaching for the bedside table and taking out the lube. "Don't leave me like this, Evan, I'm sorry. I should have done what you asked."

"You need a sadist, you find a sadist and get the hell away from me," Evan says, still angry but his heart is breaking a little because John could do just that. One day he'll find someone who can give him what he really needs, pain and all, and there's nothing Evan will be able to do about it.

"No, no," John is saying, shaking his head and he's dripping lube on his own fingers and reaching back, opening himself with too many fingers, too fast. God help Evan, but it's one of the hottest thing he's ever seen. "I'll be good, I swear."

"What am I going to do with you?" Evan asks, unable to follow though with his threat to leave and fascinated by the sight of John already with four fingers up his ass.

"You're going to fuck me," John says, unable to totally stop being a smartass even in these conditions.

And he is, Evan thinks, he's going to do it whenever John needs it. Grabbing John's wrist, Evan pulls his hand out of the way and proceeds to do just that, slamming home with an hard stroke.

"Oh, yes, yes, god!" John shouts, meeting each thrust with a roll of his hips, with no shame to show how much he loves it. He feels amazing, hot and slick now, just perfect.

"So fucking gorgeous," Evan grits out, sliding a hand up John's back. It's been months and he's too keyed up to last, that's for sure. "Jack yourself off. I want to feel you come on my dick."

It doesn't take more than half a dozen hard pulls of his own hand before John is coming, hard, crying out and face-planting on the bed right afterward. The pressure around his dick sends Evan right over the edge, too, as he empties into John's body, pleasure slamming through his system. It's good. Too good to give up, as much as the rest hurts.

As soon as he gets his coordination back, Evan pulls out and removes the condom, ties it off and drops it into the trash can. John is soft and pliant as he is only after orgasms, letting Evan arrange him on the bed and tuck him in. There's nothing he'd like more than to lie down beside John and take him in his arms, hold him and tell him that everything will be okay but that's not what is asked of him. John's eyes are barely opened and Evan cannot resist kissing his forehead.

"Sleep, now," he whispers, and John's eyes flutter shut. The trust is implicit and that's probably the real reason Evan lets himself get roped into this.

Dimming the lights, Evan dresses up and leaves.

Until the next time everything goes to hell in Pegasus.

The End

"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved." - George MacDonald

fic, sga fic: john/evan, 5acts, sga

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