Fic: I'll be there, SGA, John/Rodney, Rated G

Dec 19, 2010 15:50

Title: I'll be there
Character/Pairing: John/Rodney
Word count/Rating: 910 words, Rated G
Summary: John comes back from a mission and is surprised that Rodney is not waiting for him.
A/N: For thebiggest_lie  at the sgoc  who enjoys McShep and established relationships. I hope you like it! I'm using if the hc_bingo : minor illness, too. Many thanks to jaydblu  for looking the fic over for me ♥

The day's been long, with a rescue mission that went fairly well all things considered since everyone made it back in one piece on Atlantis. Whole but dirty, and John wonders if there's statistical evidence that links the level of mud on a planet with the odds of having trouble on it. It surely seems that way. John cannot wait to take a nice hot shower. Very long and very hot.

John is expecting Rodney to be in his room, it's past 0300 after all, but the bed is empty. In fact, John had been counting on it without even realizing it: it's what Rodney does. Usually, he hovers close when there's one of those missions, wanting to make sure John is okay when he gets back and double checking everything even if John assures him he's fine. John hates to think of what it might mean that Rodney's not here. But he's not and John's still filthy, so the mud-caked clothes are unceremoniously thrown in a corner of the bathroom to be dealt with later. Thankfully, the shower itself proves to be just as awesome as John thought it would be.

Once out, John looks at his bed for a minute but it doesn't feel right to crawl in by himself. He hasn't spent a night without Rodney in months now and he doesn't want to start tonight. Maybe Rodney went to sleep in his own bed, but that doesn't mean John can't join him. Decision made, John dresses up and goes down the corridor only to find an other empty room. It's frankly reassuring that what John has to deal with is an episode of workaholism, after all, so it's with a spring in his step that he walks to the labs.

Rodney's there alright, back to the door and looking at his computer so he hasn't seen John yet. More than once John inadvertently scared him while coming in so he scuffs his boots on the floor on purpose. It's not enough to make Rodney react, so John speaks up.

"There you are!" John says, as if he didn't know exactly where to find him.

Slowly, Rodney turns his head towards him and blinks, as if totally zoned out and not quite sure who's talking to him. John frowns.


To be honest, Rodney looks terrible. His eyes are glazed over, his nose bright red and he looks pretty much like a zombie.

"Oh, John!" he says. And then looks back to his computer. "I think I was doing something."

It comes out more like 'I dink I was doin' somedin' and John's pretty sure whatever the something is, there's no hope for it to be accomplished tonight. As soon as John reaches Rodney's side, he touches his forehead and winces. Rodney's burning up.

"Hey," John says, before giving Rodney a kiss on a temple. "You should go rest, it's almost four am."

It makes Rodney hum.

"Really? Oh," he says, but that's about it. "I'm not feeling so great."

John rubs his back a little and contemplates the little mountain of tissues on Rodney's desk. He should find a waste basket, but right now, he's worried that Rodney could topple over with no support.

"Come on, let's get you to bed," John says.

"But I can't sleep!" Rodney whines and there we go, John thinks. Rodney's even more difficult than usual when he's sick. "When I lie down, I almost drown in snot," he adds, looking defeated.

"Then we'll prop you with pillows," John says, getting him up and stirring Rodney towards the door.

When they get to Rodney's quarters, John rapidly sweeps the junk off the bed and lowers a rag doll Rodney on it, mostly sitting.

"My head hurts," he says, eyes swimming and boy, John's got those mother hen urges to kiss it all better.

"I'll give you a Tylenol," John says, going to the bathroom cabinet. "Did you eat today?" he asks as he comes back with a couple of pills and a glass of water.

That's the scariest part of a sick Rodney: he barely eats.

"Maybe?" he says, and John won't take any chances, he'll go get him some soup in a minute. "I'm cold, John," he whines some more.

"You're burning up. I'll make it better, I promise," John says, bundling Rodney up.

"There's so much snot in my head, I can't think. What good am I if I can't think? What if I have to save your life?" Rodney says, looking honestly distressed.

"I promise that I won't be in danger before you get better," John says.

"You can't say that," Rodney says, pathetically sniffling and John gives him a tissue, resulting in a trumpet-like blowing of his nose. "You always get in trouble and try stupid heroic things."

John smiles and caresses Rodney's hair.

"Even at 10% capacity, you'd be smart enough to save me," John says.

It makes Rodney smile, pleased, just as he closes his eyes.

"That's true," he mumbles. His eyes slit open and he feebly makes grabbing motions at John. "You'll stay, right?"

"Of course," John says, slipping in the bed and curling on Rodney's side. "I'll be right here."

He's sure that Rodney is asleep when a hand comes to cup his face.

"You okay rescue thingy?" he slurs, half gone already.

"Yes, yes I'm okay," John says and kisses Rodney's shoulder. He's perfect. "Sleep now."

He soon follows his own advice.


sga fic: john/rodney, fic, sga

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