Fic: Stakeout, H50, Gen though it could be pre-slash Steve/Danno

Nov 09, 2010 20:49

If you are into Hawaii Five-0 just a little bit, you have to go by leupagus 's LJ because she's one of the best writer in this fandom. Seriously.

And the other day, she prompted people to write comment fic, whatever fandom. I raised my hand and tried my first H50 ficlet.

It's not much, but it was fun to do :)

Title: Stakeout
Characters: Kono, Steve, Chin and Danny by proxy
Word count/Rating: 733 words, Gen (though could be seen as Steve/Danno pre-slash, AKA JUST LIKE SHOW)
Prompt: How about Kono and Steve on stakeout; they're both born and raised on the island, I bet they have lots of fun.

Stakeouts with Chin are relatively quiet, with some family anecdotes thrown in. He keeps working on his computer, anyway, though he has great music on it.


Once, Kono had to spend 7 hours watching a house with Danny: she had barely got a word in. Gracie this, Rachel that, cases in Jersey, what he didn't get about Hawaii in great details. Of course she'd also heard about the many ways Steve McGarrett was certifiably insane. It was kind of cute as man crushes went.


Today Kono is stuck in the van with the boss himself, watching a warehouse of interest.

"I suppose you traveled a lot with the Navy?" she asks after twenty minutes of silence, trying to break the monotony.

"All over, pretty much," Steve says with a nod.

"Yeah?" Kono prompts, hopeful.

"It's classified, though," Steve says, though he has the grace to look a bit apologetic. "I once had a couple of days leave in Germany?" he offers. It's not that he's not trying.

"Cool! What did you visit?" Kono asks.

"Well I had a busted knee. I mostly slept them off," Steve admits, before grabbing the camera. "Hey, I think someone new arrived," he says.

Which is a lie and just a way to get out of the dead end conversation, Kono's sure.

It's going to be a long day, she senses it.


"Hey, boss," Kono asks an hour later because she's this close to fall asleep and that would not do well with the boss in the van. "Do you surf?"

"It's been a while," Steve says, throwing her a smile. "I need a new board."

"I could probably get you a deal," Kono offers.

"Thanks, I'd like that. I've heard you were really good, do you miss the life?" Steve asks.

Is this turning into an actual conversation?

"Sometimes," Kono admits, then enumerates all of the arguments she uses to convince herself she prefers her life now. It takes her a little while to realize that if he does look interested, Steve does his best to urge her on while saying next to nothing himself. Sneaky.


"Hey, did you get Mr Fain at Kukui High?" Steve asks later and Kono jumps in surprise that he's initiated the talking, this time. Seriously, her heart almost leaps out of her chest.

Unfortunately, they barely had teachers in common due to the age difference. But that leads to the football team memories where thankfully Steve gets a bit more talkative. Kono keeps her mouth shut about the HUGE crush she'd had on him when he was starting QB even if she was still in elementary school at the time.

All in all, it gives a solid fifteen minutes of conversation. Kono chalks it in the win column.


Kono is flipping through a list of conversation starters and crossing them off mentally when Steve's phone rings. He jumps on it like it's salvation.

"Tell me you have something for me?" Steve asks, hopeful. He's definitely not the sit and waits type. The thing is, Kono isn't either so she tries real hard to hear what is coming out of the phone. Would it kill him to put it on speaker?

"Of course I can do a stakeout! I am, at this very moment, doing a stakeout!" Steve says, getting animated for the first time in hours. Danny on the other side, then.

"Nothing happened yet." Pause. "Of course I'm sure! I had my eyes on the warehouse all the time!"

And he mostly had, too. Kono leans back against her door to watch the show.

"Are you just calling to annoy me, or do you have something useful to say? What did the..." Pause again. "Nothing?"

Kono's cell chirps, announcing a text.

aren't they cute?

She grins and texts Chin back.

good entertainment, I'm not complaining

"And I suppose you are the uttermost expert in stakeouts? Want to tell me the top ten you did 'back in Jersey'?" Steve says, even doing air quotes.

And the bickering goes on, and on, and on for a good half hour with Steve actually making sure it doesn't end and sort of curling around the phone, totally into it. It's fascinating. When he finally hangs up, he shakes his head.

"I can't believe he called to say nothing at all," Steve says.

But he's smiling and Kono grins, too.


h50 fic: kono, fic, h50

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