
Oct 29, 2010 09:52

I am so, so happy right now! you should see my stupid grin!

It's in large part because my friends are FANTASTIC, with a special tip of the hat to thebiggest_lie  and baldie_troll  who made tons of SGA McShep gifs just because I mentioned I'd like them for my shipper manifesto for stargateland . Aren't they AWESOME or what? I'll post the manifesto later today (need to upload all of my shiny gifs to photobucket and all =D)

I won't make a detailed post but I am still in love with Steve/Danny on Hawaii Five-O (total honeymoon phase, reading all the good stuff I can find) and The Vampire Diaries KICKS ASS. And makes me think of tons of pairings previously not on my radar: why do you do that, show?

Real life is real good at the moment, too. I had the results of the biopsy on the mole and it's nothing. I was not really worried, but yay! I got the results of those exams for management I did in September: not so bad grades and I'm on the list. Son's football team made the playoffs, and they play tomorrow. Unfortunately it's against the best team of them all that crushed them when they met earlier in the season, but just to make the damn playoffs is great. I have developed this great banter relationship with my guitar teacher, it's so much fun.

And it's Friday. YAY!

*loves you all*

sga, real life, stargate land, tvd

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