this is how I roll =D *sticky*

Apr 16, 2020 13:31

I've came to the conclusion that I enjoy writing the most when I'm doing it for someone I know with a prompt (as for the Luau or The 5 Acts Meme), or when I have directions on what a even a stranger might want (a fic exchange or such).

Once in a while I get it right and the reaction of that person makes my day/week/month. =D

So this post (I'm making it a sticky, in fact), is a place for you guys - anyone, everyone is welcome even people I don't know [yet] - to tell me what you'd like. I am not promising a fic automatically to everyone, though, not next week or even next month, no deadline, but maybe it will spark the muse and I'll be able to give some of you lovelies something.

If you'd like that, tell me what you'd like: prompts are good, fandoms/pairings, what would make you happy. As many as you want, and you can come back. This will be my idea vault, where I can look for inspiration ♥

to do, writing

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