Note to self

Aug 29, 2010 15:33

2700 words of fic is NOT the spirit behind the 5 Acts Meme.

Comment fic, Lou, comment fic. Jeez. You could have filled 5 requests with that amount of words instead.

I think this is too long to get posted un-betaed, too. *throws hands in the air*

(The Losers fic, Jensen/Cougar/OMC. WTH? *pokes it*)

writing, 5acts

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Comments 9

janie_tangerine August 29 2010, 19:54:43 UTC
My average is being 2000 words. :/ I'm trying to get shorter but it doesn't happen! :(

(And why did I have to see The Losers dubbed, btw? I'd kinda like to write it since a bunch of people ask for it but I saw it in Italian and idek how to start with the dialogue. XD)


gottalovev August 30 2010, 18:17:59 UTC
I feel your pain! and I need to comment on the one you gave me, let's just say that I just have to stop laughing first! =D

OMG, I realize that I saw The Losers dubbed too! I would generally never try writing them after that. but I read some fic and they sounded as I thought they should sound: Clay a bit like Sir, Roque slightly mean, Pooch is pretty cool, Jensen speaks and speaks and speaks while Cougar doesn't say all that much. I just hope what I did is ok...


janie_tangerine August 30 2010, 18:25:46 UTC
Buaha well if you need to stop laughing then it means it worked. Believe me, I couldn't stop snorting while plotting it, so.. XD

Yeah if I read fic I probably could manage that. Except that I didn't, but I need to put a remedy to that soon. And I'm sure what you did is awesome! :D

Also, I need a Clay icon, methinks. *drools over the one you used*


(The comment has been removed)

gottalovev August 30 2010, 18:18:35 UTC
lol! well yeah, seen like that... I don't think so! it was fun, I think that's the spirit!


munibunny August 29 2010, 23:53:20 UTC
I hear you! I was just repeating the mantra "less is more. less is more" to myself yesterday... *lol*


gottalovev August 30 2010, 18:19:25 UTC
I have a lot of problems with less is more lately! lol!

good luck to you in mastering it! ♥


haldoor August 30 2010, 00:53:25 UTC
Oh, Lou! *giggles* You remind me of me! (I haven't done any for 5 Acts yet, but... yeah, well, y'know?)


gottalovev August 30 2010, 18:20:25 UTC
I know you feel my pain! lol!

the thing is that I CAN do short. Sometimes. but then more often than not, the fic just gets out of hand!


haldoor August 30 2010, 18:43:14 UTC
I know you can! Look at those gorgeous 6 word fics!

And 'gets out of hand' rings a bell... my last luau fic is even longer than the one before it and I'm still not finished *hangs head*


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