Hi, hi! if you read this, it's going to be brief this week.
Okay so I've always loved Richard, mostly for his mystery and poise. I was indeed curious about his backstory, but worried if I knew it, the interest would wane. Did it? I'm not sure. We'll see. I still need my Richard unflappable, I think. The crazy version disturbs me.
In fact, Jesus!Richard's story is pretty much what I thought it would be, although I didn't know what would have had him chained on the Black Rock. Touching, but a bit weak, IMHO. But since I'm a sap, I was sucked in by his tragic and doomed love for his wonderful wife who died unfairly.
The most interesting part to me was all that went after the Black Rock crashed on the Island, and since I'm curious about Esau and Jacob, the answer why they are on the Island and why they bring people on it was a welcome one. They are petty semi-gods playing with pawns to prove a point, but still, I find myself interested. oh, okay, I have a soft spot for Jacob (AND Esau, in the MIB shape, not Locke), so call me shallow. I assume. Oh, and Spanish is sexy.
and well... being a Supernatural fan, having Esau/War giving Jesus!Richard a tool to kill the Jacob (who he said was the devil, the irony) made me laugh and laugh. I was half expecting The Colt instead of a dagger ;)
the almost drowning and beating up of Jesus!Richard by Jacob had me cooing that it was though love from Jacob, that's how far gone I am.
oh and the scene with Richard, Hurley and Isabella? I had tears in my eyes. gah. yes, yes, I assume that too, I'm a bit sap and I thought it was extremely well played. *sigh*