
Mar 23, 2010 08:01

Painting exhibit went well, but since I've been there all weekend, I didn't have time to do much else. *winces at laundry not done and house in disarray*

I'm really happy about the very nice comments I had on my apocabigbang  All Worlds Converge To Where You Are.  It's really long and a crossover, so I had no idea if people would give it a chance. The LJ stats (and the A03 counter) tell me quite a lot of people made it to the end, and what made me happy is that I had a lot of "I took a chance/I generally don't like crossovers" comments. Oh and people familiar only with one of the two fandom (SGA or SPN) who enjoyed it anyway. So yay!

I plan finishing a Jack/Sawyer and a Miles/Sawyer today, wish me luck!

oh and snowing right now? not on. not on at all. *pouts*

writing, painting

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