oh god, here I go again

Jun 19, 2009 19:15

I signed up for a challenge. cliche_bingo .  sounds like so much fun though, can't wait to have my card! lol!  Speaking of writing, I should start my fic due in August, yes/yes?  *roll eyes at self*

still sick. can it be better soon, please? I sound like squeaky thing, so I mostly don't talk. But I cough, boy do I do that.

ahhh, yes, I meant to say... the new girl at work said she wanted a bee tattoo but could not find one she liked. In a meeting I drew one (yay productivity! lol!) and she's crazy about it. Maybe she won't get it done for real, but still, her excitement is pretty flattering. :)

I think I may be over my obsessive/compulsive-99%-McShep-only reading binge. Well it's almost all I read all day again, but after reading hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them (so says my delicious account), it's becoming harder to find the real good stuff so I might start reading more in my regular fandoms? we'll see! but still. they are so dorkily adorable. I'm even thinking about writing them, although I am not sure I could do it properly. *shrugs*

so that's me today. TGIF!  hope you lovelies are doing good  :)

tattoo, to do, writing, sga, real life

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