Fic: "Sobriety? Totally overrated." (Jensen Ackles/Steve Carlson, NC-17)

Nov 06, 2008 16:19

this is for keyweegirlie who once asked for Jensen/Steve and Heineken (for reasons that make a lot of sense to us! loL!). I know it's not easy these days for you my darling, I hope this makes you smile.

Title: Sobriety? Totally overrated.
Rating/Word count: NC-17, 1400 words
Pairing/Characters: Jensen/Steve
Notes/Disclaimers: Not mine, never were. Fiction alert! My friend Sue read this over quickly and said it was not that bad. Excuse any remaining errors, all mine!
Summary: Jensen is really drunk and Steve is awesome.

Sobriety? Totally Overrated.

There was no denying it, Jensen was drunk. The totally and utterly shit faced, not able to stay up on his own kind of drunk. He had not planned it to go that way but here he was, after countless shots and at least a dozen beers. Oh, he wasn't the only one wasted, far from it; most of Steve's guests were pretty much there too. Just now, Jensen had to quickly leave the bathroom where he was taking a piss because Kane had barged in to barf in the bathtub. Fuckin' Kane, always thinking attitude alone could save him from being a midget when holding alcohol was concerned.

Trailing a hand on the corridor's wall as to keep some kind of stability, Jensen was making a determined bee line for the kitchen; or, to be more accurate, towards the fridge. It wasn't as easy as he would have thought, since he had to step over way too many legs belonging to a couple of guys slumped down and smoking weed. A goddamn obstacle course, seriously. When he stumbled in the kitchen, Jensen was saved from face planting down on the ceramic when a steady hand seized his arm and pushed him upright against the wall.

"Hey, hey, easy there. You okay Jen?"

It took a second to focus but Jensen grinned. Steve. Steve was awesome.

"I'm good. Reeeally good."

Steve had a surprised laugh that made his eyes sparkle.

"I can see that, buddy."

"I'm so, so drunk." Jensen whispered, as if it was a secret.

Nodding, Steve let him go, reassured the wall would hold him up, and took a swing out of his bottle.

"You don't say."

Jensen watched with fascination the way Steve's lips curled around the tip of the bottle, how his Adam apple bobbed when he swallowed. Fuck. A wave of arousal spread through him like a ripple on a lake, larger and larger every second. When Steve lowered his beer, Jensen reached for it and brought it to his own mouth, licking the opening, curious to know if it would taste like Steve and a bit disappointed when it turned out to be pretty much all Heineken.

Tipping the bottle up, Jensen took a swing anyway and it's only upon giving it back that he noticed how Steve seemed fixated on his mouth. It made him want to kiss Steve: people that looked at him like that usually wanted to kiss him. Before he had the chance to think it over and get cold feet, Jensen leaned down and did so, although a bit sloppily. Steve froze for a beat then stepped back, making Jensen stumble after him, having to fist his hands in Steve's shirt to stay upright.

"Jeez, Ackles, I know you're a horny drunk, but come on!"

He had a point. But Jensen had thought about this stone cold sober, so it was not just the alcohol's doing. It would make a good excuse tomorrow, though, if he had totally misread Steve. He hooked one arm around Steve's shoulder, face in his neck - fuck, he smelled so good - and slurred.

"Take advantage, then. You know I'm easy."

Jensen mostly expected Steve to push him away and give him another beer, maybe direct him towards one of the girls that had eyed him all evening, but he was pleasantly surprised when he was pushed back against the wall and kissed hungrily. Jensen just hung on and kissed back the best he could in the circumstances, aware he was making needy sounds that Steve swallowed right up. It was good, fantastic even, and Steve was pretty much dry humping his thigh, which was kind of hot. He giggled, which unfortunately stopped the kissing and Steve tried to get away.

"Fuck Jen..."

But Jensen would not let that happen, oh no. He somehow managed to reverse their position, pinning Steve against the wall, using his advantage in height and weight to keep his friend in place.

"Shush, it's okay. I wanna..." He reached down and cupped Steve's groin, finding him hard under the denim. Steve groaned, and Jensen managed to open his pants one handed, which frankly surprised him and made him pretty proud. Steve's eyes were full of lust and Jensen kissed him again, wondering why the hell he had not had the guts to do this before. He gripped Steve's dick and stroked him slowly, loving how his friend's eyes almost rolled in the back of his head. "Is that good baby?"

"Fuck. You're so wasted Jen." Steve chuckled, a bit breathless. He moved his hips following Jensen's rhythm, fucking his fist "But yeah. S'great."

"What d'you want? Tell me."

Jensen would do anything to keep Steve doing those broken, sexy sounds. And even if he didn't say anything, Steve sort of focused on his mouth and licked his own lips. It made Jensen grin wolfishly, and he then nipped at Steve's neck.

"Want me to suck you?" He growled in Steve's ear, which made him shudder and piston harder. Steve keened, which was answer enough.

The drop to his knees was maybe not the most gracious Jensen had ever been, but he had other preoccupations, namely getting as fast he could to Steve's cock. He fought a bit with the jeans, although Steve finally started to be more of an active participant as he put his beer on the floor and helped get the pants and boxers down his thigh. Steve's cock was flushed and leaking and Jensen got right down to business, licking a long slide up before taking the most he could in his mouth. There was too much spit and not that much hand mouth coordination but Steve didn't seem to mind that much, cursing softly as Jensen bobbed his head and sucked.

"Holy shit! Yeah, just like that."

Steve barely moved, just had a hand on the side of Jensen's face, fingers curled up in his hair. When Jensen looked up, he saw that Steve's blue eyes were wide, not missing a second of it and it made him groan around the shaft in his mouth. He was too drunk himself to be more than half hard, even if he was probably the most aroused he'd been in forever, but Jensen didn't care. This was about Steve's pleasure, giving him something to remember. And if he was lucky, make him want more, want him again.

"Jesus Christ Jen... Hottest thing I've.. ever seen!"

The praise made Jensen give it his all and he knew he was racing for the finish, Steve's balls drawing up and his cock swelling a bit more. Steve tried to pull him off by the hair, knowing it too and although Jensen did consider giving Steve the money shot, he didn't stop. Almost doubling over with the force of his orgasm, Steve came again and again in Jensen's mouth, who tried his best to swallow. Once Steve was spent, slumping against the wall, Jensen sat back on his heels. He surveyed his handiwork, and satisfied to see Steve looking thoroughly fucked out he grinned. Steve saw it and shook his head, amused.

"You look like that cat who just got the canary." He said.

Trying to get up, which was not as easy as it should have been even with Steve's help, Jensen snorted.

"Is that how you call it? The canary?"

Rolling his eyes, Steve sighed.

"What am I going to do with you, asshole?"

Jensen winked, tried to leer but lost his footing and fell right into Steve's arms, who held him up.

"Whatever you want."

Steve's eyes twinkled and he snaked a hand down, but looked a bit puzzled when he didn't find Jensen hard. Bending towards the floor while keeping his balance with a hand gripped in Steve's shirt, Jensen grabbed the discarded beer and took a swallow, chasing the bitter taste of Steve's come down, even gargled with another swing. He saluted Steve with the bottle and smiled.

"S'okay. This gonna be fine for now."

It made Steve laugh as he pulled his pants up and tucked himself in.

"You cheap whore."

"Heh!" Jensen said with a shrug. He had a point again.

Steve put Jensen's arm over his shoulder and started half steering and half supporting him towards his bedroom.

"I'll make it up to you later."


Jensen had always knew Steve was awesome like that.

The End.

fic, cwrps fic: jensen/steve

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