question and a tiny drabble

Jul 30, 2008 14:10

seekrit interrogation aimed at
haldoor and
halfdutch : would it be acceptable to combine your Luau wishes for Jack/Boone in one fic, if I manage to make it longer than a drabble each? and maybe with filthy porn? or would it be too lazy and get me retroactively decapitated ?

I'm still working on too many ideas at a time with nothing taking shape, it seems. One day, one day. *puts cookie traps for the muse*

EXCEPT *drumrolls*

I did manage something for today's Queen
alemyrddin, who likes massages :)

Stress Management, Jack/Sawyer, 100 words drabble, PG

Sawyer tossed and turned. Not a minute later he moved again, restless. When he flipped for the thousandth time on his belly, Jack threw away the covers and straddled his boyfriend’s thighs.



Jack soothed, starting the massage at the shoulders and finding hard knots right away.


“I said shhht!”

Two minutes later Sawyer had sunk into the mattress, and after five he was almost purring. If he was lucky, Jack would have him out cold in ten and could maybe get some sleep too.

Sawyer stressed because of a job interview: somehow it made Jack smile fondly.


drabble, fic, lost, lost fic: sawyer/jack

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