(no subject)

Apr 21, 2006 12:15

work is a bitch and TGIF. okay, now that's out of the way.... ;)

In the last weeks I've been running around, screaming at the top of my lungs "muuuuuuuse!!!"  
(michael, I feel your pain...)
I just cannot get myself to type and even worst I cannot think about anything worthy to write.

BUT with a lot of Easter chocolate, I lured the smutty muse out of it's hole (sadly she's back into hiding now)

ok, so bare with me. it's my first writing ever of my OTP, Sawyer and Jack. And it's not nearly as good as what my flist can do with both of their hands tied behind their back.

and after it was all done, I've read a great fic by
eponine119 with hair!porn Plausive that totally putted it to shame.

but hey. in honor of the smutty muse coming out, I'll post it anyway!!!

Title: Giving in
Pairing: Jack/Sawyer, yes it's slash
Spoilers: it's set just after 2-19 SOS, so spoilery of season 2
Notes: thanks to Sue for reading it over, once more. She makes my english readable (but sadly doesn't proof read my intros and comments! lol!))

Giving in

A faint touch on his head wakes Sawyer up suddenly. His heart almost jumps out as he discerns a dark form besides him and he reaches for his gun. Before he even takes it the shadow put his hands in view and whispers softly

“Shh shhh Sawyer, it’s me”

Adrenaline’s high and Sawyer masks fear with anger

“What the fuck are you doing in my tent Doc?”

He growls, although he suddenly feels a wave of relief in knowing Jack is back from his trek for prisoner exchange. He had considered following him and Kate, but stealth not being his strongest quality he had decided to stay behind.

Jack doesn’t answer and the only thing Sawyer can think of is that he’s here to get the guns.

“You said you didn’t need the guns Jacko, so get the hell out.”

Jack shakes his head.


“No what? You don’t want the guns or you…”

“I won’t get out.”

Sawyer glares at him, and as his vision gets used to the darkness he notes Jack’s resolute expression. He looks like a man on a mission, although he cannot fathom what it could be if he ain’t here to get the meds or the guns.

“I’m only going to ask you once more. What the hell do you want Jack?”

Jack sighs loudly and bites his lower lip.


“You what? C’mon doc, you’re messing with my beauty sleep.”

Since Jack doesn’t seem in a hurry to speak his mind, Sawyer decides to ignore him hoping he’ll either get to it or go away. Groaning and muttering about how it’s hard getting any sleep on this godforsaken island, he rolls on his side on his makeshift bed, facing the tarp.  He hears Jack move, and briefly thinks he’s on his way out until he feels it again.

Jack is stroking his hair?

He’s struck dumb for a moment, completely surprised. But Jack is definitely stroking his hair and even lets his fingers feather lightly as a caress across his neck. Sawyer rolls on his back

“What the he…”

But he can’t say more as Jack’s mouth is on his, kissing him with so much need that Sawyer finds himself kissing back by instinct. Jack is lightly touching his face as he slides his tongue against his, letting go a soft whimper as Sawyer angles his head and opens his mouth wider to let him go deeper. Jack’s insistence is contagious and the kiss quickly escalates in a passionate wrestling of tongue and nipping of lips, Sawyer fisting Jack’s shirt and hooking a hand behind his neck to keep him close. It’s been so long and it definitely feels great, he certainly won’t let this pass. Jack whimpers again and Sawyer decides it’s the sexiest sound he’s ever heard as it shoots right to his groin, leaving him breathless and wanting more. He pulls on Jack’s shirt until he straddles him on his bed and he groans as Jack starts to caress his chest while he’s still being kissed as if it’s a matter of life or death. Jack leaves his mouth to lick and kiss at his jaw and neck.

“Fuck doc, I don’t know where that comes from but don’t stop.”

“You’ve been driving me crazy from day one you son of a bitch,” Jack whispers hotly in his ear, making him shiver “I could not stand it anymore.”

Sawyer unbuttons the shirt and soon gets it out of the way, while Jack strips out of the rest of his clothes before positioning himself between his thighs and thrusting hard crotch against crotch, the only thing between them being Sawyer’s jeans. Sawyer gasps at the sensation and bucks up, his hand going to Jack’s ass to hold him there.

“Yes. God Jack, more. Now.”

Jack obliges him and humps hard several times, making his eyes roll back, the friction exquisite, heat pooling deep down in his abdomen. Jack is now biting and sucking hard at his neck, grunting slightly with every thrust.

“What do you want Sawyer?” He whispers again. “I’ll do anything you want.”

If it’s even possible Sawyer grows harder and bucks up again, digging his fingers in Jack’s hips. He’s not able to think, he just doesn’t want it to stop, he just wants to come.

“Whatever. Jesus! Don’t stop, just don’t stop.”

Jack kisses him hard and deep, which almost succeeds to bring him over the edge, making him desperately hump upwards. Jack breaks the kiss and looks at him straight in the eyes, his eyes feverish and so dark Sawyer thinks he could lose himself in them

“Want me to suck you dry Sawyer?”

Just hearing about it, Sawyer is convinced he’s never wanted something as much in his entire life. A low growl of desire escapes him

“Yes, yes. That’s what I want.”

“I’ll do just that then. But touch me first. I’m so fucking close.”

Sawyer is ready to do whatever it takes to bring that hot mouth on him as soon as possible, so he quickly fists Jack’s dick, already slick, and pumps him hard a couple of times. Jack thrusts in his hand, quickly losing it

“Oh fuck yes. I’ve wanted you for so long.”

And with a couple more of those sexy whimpers and a deep grunt he shivers and stills, coming hard on Sawyer stomach. He’s now breathing hard in his neck, getting his senses back. Sawyer is desperate for his own release, lost now that there is no movement

“Please Jack, please.”

That sets Jack in motion, and he starts kissing his neck, collar bone, and he then stops to suck on Sawyer’s nipples, making him groan, he wants more, he wants heat.

“For Christ’s sake Jack!”

Jack kisses downwards, unbuttoning jeans and freeing his cock, although not touching it. He kneels between his thighs, caressing them, always going closer.

“Stop being a tease damnit!”

And there it is, the infamous giggle, and Sawyer knows Jack loves having him almost begging. Fortunately, he soon goes down, taking him in, plunging him into a world of sensation and incredible hotness. He can’t help it and grabs Jack’s head, crying out, fucking his mouth. It’s too much at once, and while Jack sucks hard he feels reality stretch and deforms, before it implodes with overwhelming force all around him. He comes hard in Jack’s throat, waves and waves of his orgasm hitting him.

He’s left spent, totally limp, as Jack crawls back to rest on his side, once more caressing his hair, tucking it behind his ears.

Sawyer grins

“Need some alone time with my hair now Doc?”

“Shut up smartass.” But he can hear the smile in his voice.

Jack rolls on him and kisses him slowly, before rolling off and starting to gather his clothes. Sawyer reaches out to run his hand down Jack’s back. It comes out softer than he intended it too

“You don’t need to leave right now.”

Jack looks at him for a moment, as if he’s surprised. Sawyer must admit he might even be more surprised. Jack soon dodges eye contact though, as he dresses up.

“Yeah, I do. Got to go check on Michael.”

Sawyer sits up, frowning, concerned

“Mike’s back? Is he all right?”

Jack nods

“He seems so. Exhausted, but he’s not hurt.”

Just as he’s about to get out, Jack pauses and comes back to kneel in the sand beside Sawyer and takes his head in his hand before kissing him like there won’t be a tomorrow.

“I’m sorry Sawyer.”

There is something wrong in how Jack is acting, Sawyer can feel it.


“I’m sorry.”

That doesn’t explain anything. But then he says it.

“I’ll come back tomorrow. For the guns. I have to. I’m sorry.”

They stare at each other, both knowing that might kill something that just may have been right. And with that Jack goes out of the tent and is gone into the night.

fic, lost fic: sawyer/jack, real life

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